# Honda Hackathon: Voice and OSD Integrated System ## Mock Car API - `git clone ssh://git@git.webionite.com:4441/Firewalkers/MockCarAPI.git` - `cd MockCarAPI` - `echo "{}" > data.json` - `pip install -r requirements.txt` - `flask run` ## OSD ### OSD Backend - `git clone ssh://git@git.webionite.com:4441/Firewalkers/OSD-Backend.git` - `cd OSD-Backend` - `pip install -r requirements.txt` - Install a asyncio server. e.g. `pip install eventlet` - `cp sample.config.py config.py` - `python3 app.py` ### OSD Frontend - `git clone ssh://git@git.webionite.com:4441/Firewalkers/OSD-Frontend.git` - `cd OSD-Frontend` - `yarn install` - `cd src` - `cp sample.config.js config.js` - `yarn start` ## Voice Plugins - Setup mycroft according to guides on [mycroft.ai](https://mycroft.ai) - `git clone ssh://git@git.webionite.com:4441/Firewalkers/Voice-Plugins.git` - Copy the plugins over to `/opt/mycroft/skills/` - `pip install requests` - Start mycroft according to the docs. ## Background Daemon - `git clone ssh://git@git.webionite.com:4441/Firewalkers/Background-Daemon.git` - `cd Background-Daemon` - `cp sample.config.py config.py` - `pip install -r requirements.txt` - `python3 daemon.py`