Update dummyData/feeds.json with more relatable content
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@ -1,121 +1,79 @@
"id": 1,
"title": "replanting underexcited unaccidental",
"description": "cornupete horse-litter Kylah Graehme imperil deliquesced problematic herniary sleep-created spitsticker epoxidize neurectopia pareira BURP nucleary enduing Rozek antirobbery biotome rescored",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Statistics"]
"title": "Data Science Professional Certificate",
"description": "The HarvardX Data Science program prepares you with the necessary knowledge base and useful skills to tackle real-world data analysis challenges",
"url": "https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/harvardx-data-science/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Statistics", "programming", "Analysis", "R", "Certificate"]
}, {
"id": 2,
"title": "remands centered borough",
"description": "prosceniums black-blooded testata Winnebagos Hydri couches subumbelliferous Parnassianism assi puppydom previolated table-hop skiatron befavor wistfully meurtriere cuckooing dongon intuitable plentiful",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Statistics", "Machine Learning", "Data Science"]
"title": "A Python API for Intelligent Visual Discovery",
"description": "Lux is a Python library that makes data science easier by automating aspects of the data exploration process. Lux facilitate faster experimentation with data",
"url": "https://github.com/lux-org/lux",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Exploratory Data Analysis", "Library"]
}, {
"id": 3,
"title": "nanocephalous foldboats vehme",
"description": "stockbroker synergy creophagism Miltonize cryptanalyzed pumpkinify remortgaging be-smutch threefoldly corporeal detentions Hawthorn ramets zoon Valentine annuluses mechanicocorpuscular indicium periosteorrhaphy raged",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["History", "Machine Learning", "Biology"]
"title": "Foundations of Deep Learning by Alexander Amini",
"description": "MIT's introductory course on deep learning methods with applications to computer vision, natural language processing, biology, and more! Students will gain foundational knowledge of deep learning algorithms and get practical experience in building neural networks in TensorFlow",
"url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tvmMX8r_OM&list=PLtBw6njQRU-rwp5__7C0oIVt26ZgjG9NI",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Deep Learning", "Neural Network", "Course"]
}, {
"id": 4,
"title": "evangelicals anxious Lardizabalaceae",
"description": "polysomes Chaker liabilities bull-bearing extill nonratably Wardieu cometwise faunistically medino Callisaurus vapulation Melrose rentes synovitic spitefuller anisogamic well-rubbed wind-swung unmercifully",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Biology", "Javascript"]
"title": "State-of-art Machine Learning Research Papers",
"description": "A free resource for researchers and practitioners to find and follow the latest state-of-the-art ML papers and code.",
"url": "https://paperswithcode.com/",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Research", "Deep Learning", "Machine Learning"]
}, {
"id": 5,
"title": "razorbill permanency paramountcy",
"description": "turtleize nonlubricating Hibernicising Angadreme microstomia quasi-seriously outflux carburated psize appetizers welcomers tombaks Hartselle tonicked exactly Dorena chromodiascope inconclusible genealogic recycles",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Machine Learning", "Biology", "Javascript"]
"title": "Support-Set bottlenecks for video-text representation learning",
"description": "Our proposed method outperforms others by a large margin on MSR-VTT, VATEX and ActivityNet, and MSVD for video-to-text and text-to-video retrieval.",
"url": "https://ai.facebook.com/research/publications/support-set-bottlenecks-for-video-text-representation-learning/",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Deep Learning", "Natural Language Processing", "Publication"]
}, {
"id": 6,
"title": "Shawwal rabble-rousing outer-directed",
"description": "hyperdoricism rehabber wobbler discourteous RAF Mullin hypocoristically Lyndes outward-bound greedygut protocaseose deep-sided fathercraft shift Warundi Velarde pluggingly subjectlike there'll fractured",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Statistics"]
"title": "Curated collection of Python Frameworks and libraries",
"description": "Collection of open source python frameworks, libraries, resources",
"url": "https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python#cryptography",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Frameworks", "Libraries", "open-source", "github"]
}, {
"id": 7,
"title": "bifluoride much-honored centurist",
"description": "polars typhlon neurine upfill illustre tzarisms preexceptional stretto urosepsis unhaft fibrilation subcreative ungerontic moonshine prehend Thelyphonidae king-ridden Kenzi receptitious twice-appropriated",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Javascript", "Python", "Science"]
"title": "Open Source Society University",
"description": "The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials. It's not merely for career training or professional development.",
"url": "https://github.com/ossu/computer-science",
"tags": ["Open-source", "Computer Science Fundamentals", "Curriculm"]
}, {
"id": 8,
"title": "antechapel vittle self-banished",
"description": "UCAR take-down stonesmatch superofrontal stirp praetextae LRSS ten-knotter hemangiomata audaciously yellowish-green-yellow inhuman perfectest spinneys noter space gay-beseen oscinine Skiest extirpator",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Statistics", "Science"]
"title": "University of Michigan: Statistics with Python",
"description": "This specialization is designed to teach learners beginning and intermediate concepts of statistical analysis using the Python programming language.",
"url": "https://www.coursera.org/specializations/statistics-with-python",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Python", "Statistics", "Specialization", "Course"]
}, {
"id": 9,
"title": "Harlingen umbeled bhara",
"description": "pelletierine hotbrained flamen mnemonic's whity-brown arriccios ruinatious paromologia catabolizing dinanderie renouncement academicism endogenetic supercavitation Shamus hopingly gravimetric creamsacs Rentsch faithfulness",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Science"]
"title": "Google Data Analytics",
"description": "Over 8 courses, gain in-demand skills that prepare you for an entry-level job. You’ll learn from Google employees whose foundations in data analytics served as launchpads for their own careers",
"url": "https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-data-analytics",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Certification", "Analysis", "Data"]
}, {
"id": 10,
"title": "Cyclanthales wiseweed anemonol",
"description": "garance splaying centesimate Jonina Caddaric irretentiveness pygargus bararite Edessan monkliness conferences aviaries Magnuson stoke reauthorizing rinse uralitic checkrein objurgative Bastien",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Machine Learning", "Biology"]
"title": "Getting Started with data analytics",
"description": "Master Data Analytics Hands-On by Solving Fascinating Problems",
"url": "https://www.amazon.in/Getting-Started-Data-Science-Analytics-ebook/dp/B019D322UU",
"tags": ["Data Science", "Data Analytics", "Books"]
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"id": 11,
"title": "proaddition Tehuelet Celastrus",
"description": "preadopts plumelet prisometer colocynth precontinental intercitizenship Lauter spear-bill humit Metaphen chrysoeriol phenoplast saprolegniaceous mortalness Basilicata neurotics mis-space bendies overurging tome",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Statistics", "Science"]
"title": "Open Data Science Conference",
"url": "https://odsc.com/",
"description": "Open Data Science Conference we gather the attendees, presenters, and companies that are shaping the present and future of AI and data science. ODSC hosts one of the largest gatherings of professional data scientists, with major conferences in the USA, Europe, and Asia.",
"tags": ["Data Science", "conference", "Artificial Intelligence"]
}, {
"id": 12,
"title": "bids vanillin bemaddened",
"description": "scribeship poppets Moliones orthographist syllabarium repressurizes Podaliriidae mating Miller well-saffroned wedset disinfect flotilla uncorrelatively beseek diobolon unadoptional German-american dimerization mattboard",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Javascript"]
"title": "International Conference on Machine Learning",
"description": "The International Conference on Machine Learning is the leading international academic conference in machine learning.",
"url": "https://icml.cc/",
"tags": ["Machine Learning", "Data Science", "event", "conference"]
}, {
"id": 13,
"title": "fraenums redemption quadruplets",
"description": "tablecloth insite dolorousness iso-uretine Vareck exta Gallinae enchantresses mudsills Fording cystoradiography raiment fluoroformol polygamist octuplet take-charge ex-enemy self-debasement Scripturarian Manipur",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Biology"]
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"id": 14,
"title": "Ontine Ulex abjudge",
"description": "open-bill subcompensated ensteep trichode Quamasia open-spacedly Lazos bijugous cailleach workbasket reflectionist cookshop CRB spot-drill unmendacious imbecile ejective spring-well scotopia adored",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Python"]
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"id": 15,
"title": "Hsiang blazoners murexan",
"description": "Nichola kvass chemotaxonomy inhibitors sciomachy fortunation surfeit-swelled newfanglement Tan contrarily octodecillion drum-wound pseudoseptate thick-hided vigilant ling Cycadofilicales interspecies clunking Nabalism",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Biology", "Science"]
}, {
"id": 16,
"title": "colleague moneywort greatcoat",
"description": "mandated anti-Germanic zoophoric chameleons stingray self-admired Paymaster-General adderbolt subpolygonal sonically linsey-woolseys defalcating sublunary huguenots coactors Arragon Chalybean covariate courtage untremulent",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Data Science"]
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"id": 17,
"title": "stoped minyanim carrotiness",
"description": "myrtleberry willeyer witchingly andante unkemptness wooshing ostentation nonathletic sea-boat sardel foolhardily gurneys scialytic semirealistic escape outproduces Tommy self-action whangees devinct",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Machine Learning", "Biology"]
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"id": 18,
"title": "Iridis Knutsen tandstickor",
"description": "croiik argot anthropologies bedeswoman merchantries flutings wetters easement Finleyville friggle extinguishes unfragmented lardite roweled bloodflower ascidioid Abitibi classers hemomanometer combatable",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Python"]
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"id": 19,
"title": "dieretic Boote littermate",
"description": "premedial unioniform Fredel natterjack hepatoptosia autocarpic unsolidarity cionitis cognomens rhinophore multitudinistic Saban unexuberant Lyopoma ambivalence Gibsonia dwang pre-estimate Pro-emersonianism low-rimmed",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["History", "Statistics", "Science"]
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"id": 20,
"title": "racehorses kineticism scienter",
"description": "Triodontoidei protosinner back-list red-eye Emersonian intratracheally Ejam coelomes hard-witted hesitantly Parthia imparities concubines sultane clip-winged co-une moonstone Cuda gumflower plies",
"url": "https://webionite.com/",
"tags": ["Mathematics", "Data Science"]
"title": "Identify the sentiments",
"description": "Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of text which identifies and extracts subjective information in source material, and helping a business to understand the social sentiment of their brand, product or service while monitoring online conversations.",
"url": "https://datahack.analyticsvidhya.com/contest/linguipedia-codefest-natural-language-processing-1/",
"tags": ["Machine Learning", "algorithms", "hackathons"]
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