diff --git a/Sohbet-Gardiyan b/Sohbet-Gardiyan new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d401473 --- /dev/null +++ b/Sohbet-Gardiyan @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +options: + prefix: &8&l[&c&lSohbet Gardiyanı&8&l] + p: &8&l[&c&lSohbet Gardiyanı&8&l] + a: &8&l[&c&lSohbet Gardiyanı&8&l] + noperm: &4&lYou Dont Have The Permission! + +command /sohbetgardiyanı []: + trigger: + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "help": + send "{@a} &cSohbet Gardiyanına Hosgeldin! Chattin Guvende!" + send "&c/sohbetisil yada /ss Sohbeti Temizler." + send "&c/sohbetisustur on/off yada /globalmute on/off Sohbeti Susturup Sohbeti Acar." + send "&c/sohbetimisil Sadece Oyuncunun Sohbetini Temizler!" + send "&c/mask Pluginin Ekledigi Yetki Saklama Sistemini Acar!" + send "{@p} &cPlugin Chatten Kotu Kelime Yazımını Korur Ve Yazdırmaz Anında Mute Atar!" + +command /sohbetisil: + permission: sohbet.admin + permission message: {@noperm} + aliases: /ss + trigger: + loop 250 times: + broadcast "" + broadcast "{@p} &cSohbet %player% Tarafından Temizlendi!" + + +command /sohbetimisil: + trigger: + loop 250 times: + send "" + send "{@p} &cKendi Sohbetin Temizlendi!" + +command /sohbetisustur []: + permission: sohbet.admin + permission message: {@noperm} + aliases: /globalmute + trigger: + if arg 1 is not set: + send "{@p} &6/globalmute &eand &6/sohbetisustur &e&l(on/off)" + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "on": + set {globalmute} to true + broadcast "{@p} &cGlobal Mute is On!" + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "off": + set {globalmute} to false + broadcast "{@p} &cGlobal Mute is Off!" + +on chat: + if player don't have the permission "sohbet.admin": + message contains "*" or "amına koyam" or "amına" or "*" or "gerizekalı" or "mal" or "salak" or "sikiyim" or "ananın amı" or "ananın" or "amı" or "am" or "göt" or "got" or "*" or "* ye" or "yarramı ye": + execute player command "/mute %player% 5 day &a&lKUFUR" + send "{@p} &cSohbette Kufur Etmek Yasak Bu Yuzden 5 Gun Mute Yedin!" + + +command /mask []: + permission: donor.mask + permission message: {@noperm} + trigger: + if arg 1 is not set: + open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lMASK" to player + format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&aMask Oyuncu" with lore "&a&lOyuncu Maskı!" to close then run [make player execute command "mask oyuncu"] + format slot 2 of player with block of gold named "&6Mask Gold" with lore "&6&lGold Maskı!" to close then run [make player execute command "mask gold"] + format slot 4 of player with block of diamond named "&bMask Diamond" with lore "&b&lDiamond Maskı!" to close then run [make player execute command "mask diamond"] + format slot 6 of player with block of iron named "&7Mask Platinum" with lore "&7&lPlatinum Maskı!" to close then run [make player execute command "mask platinum"] + format slot 8 of player with wool named "&4&lUNMASK" to close then run [make player execute command "unmask"] + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "oyuncu": + set player's prefix to "&2" + send "{@p} &2Oyuncu &cMaskı Basarılı!" + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "gold": + set player's prefix to "&6" + send "{@p} &6Gold &cMaskı Basarılı!" + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "diamond": + set player's prefix to "&b" + send "{@p} &bDiamond &cMaskı Basarılı! + if arg 1 is set: + if arg 1 is "platinum": + set player's prefix to "&7" + send "{@p} &7Platinum &cMaskı Basarılı!"