# Haste Sharing code is a good thing, and it should be _really_ easy to do it. A lot of times, I want to show you something I'm seeing - and that's where we use pastebins. Haste is the prettiest, easist to use pastebin ever made. ## From the Console Most of the time I want to show you some text, its coming from my current console session. We should make it really easy to take code from the console and send it to people. `cat something | haste` # http://hastebin.com/1238193 You can even take this a step further (on OSX) and cut out the last step of copying the URL with: `cat something | haste | pbcopy` After running that, the STDOUT output of `cat something` will show up at a URL which has been conveniently copied to your clipboard. That's all there is to that, and you can install it with `gem install haste` right now. ## Author John Crepezzi