var http = require('http'); var url = require('url'); var fs = require('fs'); var winston = require('winston'); var connect = require('connect'); var DocumentHandler = require('./lib/document_handler'); // Load the configuration and set some defaults var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.js', 'utf8')); config.port = config.port || 7777; = || 'localhost'; // Set up the logger if (config.logging) { try { winston.remove(winston.transports.Console); } catch(er) { } var detail, type; for (var i = 0; i < config.logging.length; i++) { detail = config.logging[i]; type = detail.type; delete detail.type; winston.add(winston.transports[type], detail); } } // build the store from the config on-demand - so that we don't load it // for statics if (! { = { type: 'file' }; } if (! { = 'file'; } var Store = require('./lib/' + + '_document_store'); var preferredStore = new Store(; // Send the static documents into the preferred store, skipping expirations for (var name in config.documents) { var path = config.documents[name]; fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (data && !err) { preferredStore.set(name, data, function(cb) {'loaded static document', { name: name, path: path }); }, true); } else { winston.warn('failed to load static document', { name: name, path: path }); } }); } // Configure the document handler var documentHandler = new DocumentHandler({ store: preferredStore, maxLength: config.maxLength, keyLength: config.keyLength }); // Set the server up with a static cache connect.createServer( connect.router(function(app) { // add documents'/documents', function(request, response, next) { return documentHandler.handlePost(request, response); }); // get documents app.get('/documents/:id', function(request, response, next) { return documentHandler.handleGet(, response); }); }), // Otherwise, static connect.staticCache(), connect.static(__dirname + '/static', { maxAge: config.staticMaxAge }), // Then we can loop back - and change these into '/' TODO connect.router(function(app) { app.get('/:id', function(request, response, next) { request.url = request.originalUrl = '/'; next(); }); }), // Static connect.staticCache(), connect.static(__dirname + '/static', { maxAge: config.staticMaxAge }) ).listen(config.port,;'listening on ' + + ':' + config.port);