var RedisDocumentStore = require('../lib/document_stores/redis'); var winston = require('winston'); winston.remove(winston.transports.Console); describe('redis_document_store', function() { /* reconnect to redis on each test */ afterEach(function() { if (RedisDocumentStore.client) { RedisDocumentStore.client.quit(); RedisDocumentStore.client = false; } }); describe('set', function() { it('should be able to set a key and have an expiration set', function(done) { var store = new RedisDocumentStore({ expire: 10 }); store.set('hello1', 'world', function() { RedisDocumentStore.client.ttl('hello1', function(err, res) {; done(); }); }); }); it('should not set an expiration when told not to', function(done) { var store = new RedisDocumentStore({ expire: 10 }); store.set('hello2', 'world', function() { RedisDocumentStore.client.ttl('hello2', function(err, res) { res.should.equal(-1); done(); }); }, true); }); it('should not set an expiration when expiration is off', function(done) { var store = new RedisDocumentStore({ expire: false }); store.set('hello3', 'world', function(worked) { RedisDocumentStore.client.ttl('hello3', function(err, res) { res.should.equal(-1); done(); }); }); }); }); });