/** * @fileoverview * * JsWorld * *

Javascript library for localised formatting and parsing of: *

* *

The library classes are configured with standard POSIX locale definitions * derived from Unicode's Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). * *

Website: JsWorld * * @author Vladimir Dzhuvinov * @version 2.5 (2011-12-23) */ /** * @namespace Namespace container for the JsWorld library objects. */ jsworld = {}; /** * @function * * @description Formats a JavaScript Date object as an ISO-8601 date/time * string. * * @param {Date} [d] A valid JavaScript Date object. If undefined the * current date/time will be used. * @param {Boolean} [withTZ] Include timezone offset, default false. * * @returns {String} The date/time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. */ jsworld.formatIsoDateTime = function(d, withTZ) { if (typeof d === "undefined") d = new Date(); // now if (typeof withTZ === "undefined") withTZ = false; var s = jsworld.formatIsoDate(d) + " " + jsworld.formatIsoTime(d); if (withTZ) { var diff = d.getHours() - d.getUTCHours(); var hourDiff = Math.abs(diff); var minuteUTC = d.getUTCMinutes(); var minute = d.getMinutes(); if (minute != minuteUTC && minuteUTC < 30 && diff < 0) hourDiff--; if (minute != minuteUTC && minuteUTC > 30 && diff > 0) hourDiff--; var minuteDiff; if (minute != minuteUTC) minuteDiff = ":30"; else minuteDiff = ":00"; var timezone; if (hourDiff < 10) timezone = "0" + hourDiff + minuteDiff; else timezone = "" + hourDiff + minuteDiff; if (diff < 0) timezone = "-" + timezone; else timezone = "+" + timezone; s = s + timezone; } return s; }; /** * @function * * @description Formats a JavaScript Date object as an ISO-8601 date string. * * @param {Date} [d] A valid JavaScript Date object. If undefined the current * date will be used. * * @returns {String} The date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. */ jsworld.formatIsoDate = function(d) { if (typeof d === "undefined") d = new Date(); // now var year = d.getFullYear(); var month = d.getMonth() + 1; var day = d.getDate(); return year + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(month, 2) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(day, 2); }; /** * @function * * @description Formats a JavaScript Date object as an ISO-8601 time string. * * @param {Date} [d] A valid JavaScript Date object. If undefined the current * time will be used. * * @returns {String} The time formatted as HH:MM:SS. */ jsworld.formatIsoTime = function(d) { if (typeof d === "undefined") d = new Date(); // now var hour = d.getHours(); var minute = d.getMinutes(); var second = d.getSeconds(); return jsworld._zeroPad(hour, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(minute, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(second, 2); }; /** * @function * * @description Parses an ISO-8601 formatted date/time string to a JavaScript * Date object. * * @param {String} isoDateTimeVal An ISO-8601 formatted date/time string. * *

Accepted formats: * *

* * @returns {Date} The corresponding Date object. * * @throws Error on a badly formatted date/time string or on a invalid date. */ jsworld.parseIsoDateTime = function(isoDateTimeVal) { if (typeof isoDateTimeVal != "string") throw "Error: The parameter must be a string"; // First, try to match "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format var matches = isoDateTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[T ](\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/); // If unsuccessful, try to match "YYYYMMDD HHMMSS" format if (matches === null) matches = isoDateTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)[T ](\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/); // ... try to match "YYYY-MM-DD HHMMSS" format if (matches === null) matches = isoDateTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[T ](\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/); // ... try to match "YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS" format if (matches === null) matches = isoDateTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[T ](\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/); // Report bad date/time string if (matches === null) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 date/time string"; // Force base 10 parse int as some values may have leading zeros! // (to avoid implicit octal base conversion) var year = parseInt(matches[1], 10); var month = parseInt(matches[2], 10); var day = parseInt(matches[3], 10); var hour = parseInt(matches[4], 10); var mins = parseInt(matches[5], 10); var secs = parseInt(matches[6], 10); // Simple value range check, leap years not checked // Note: the originial ISO time spec for leap hours (24:00:00) and seconds (00:00:60) is not supported if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31 || hour < 0 || hour > 23 || mins < 0 || mins > 59 || secs < 0 || secs > 59 ) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 date/time value"; var d = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, mins, secs); // Check if the input date was valid // (JS Date does automatic forward correction) if (d.getDate() != day || d.getMonth() +1 != month) throw "Error: Invalid date"; return d; }; /** * @function * * @description Parses an ISO-8601 formatted date string to a JavaScript * Date object. * * @param {String} isoDateVal An ISO-8601 formatted date string. * *

Accepted formats: * *

* * @returns {Date} The corresponding Date object. * * @throws Error on a badly formatted date string or on a invalid date. */ jsworld.parseIsoDate = function(isoDateVal) { if (typeof isoDateVal != "string") throw "Error: The parameter must be a string"; // First, try to match "YYYY-MM-DD" format var matches = isoDateVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/); // If unsuccessful, try to match "YYYYMMDD" format if (matches === null) matches = isoDateVal.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/); // Report bad date/time string if (matches === null) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 date string"; // Force base 10 parse int as some values may have leading zeros! // (to avoid implicit octal base conversion) var year = parseInt(matches[1], 10); var month = parseInt(matches[2], 10); var day = parseInt(matches[3], 10); // Simple value range check, leap years not checked if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31 ) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 date value"; var d = new Date(year, month - 1, day); // Check if the input date was valid // (JS Date does automatic forward correction) if (d.getDate() != day || d.getMonth() +1 != month) throw "Error: Invalid date"; return d; }; /** * @function * * @description Parses an ISO-8601 formatted time string to a JavaScript * Date object. * * @param {String} isoTimeVal An ISO-8601 formatted time string. * *

Accepted formats: * *

* * @returns {Date} The corresponding Date object, with year, month and day set * to zero. * * @throws Error on a badly formatted time string. */ jsworld.parseIsoTime = function(isoTimeVal) { if (typeof isoTimeVal != "string") throw "Error: The parameter must be a string"; // First, try to match "HH:MM:SS" format var matches = isoTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/); // If unsuccessful, try to match "HHMMSS" format if (matches === null) matches = isoTimeVal.match(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/); // Report bad date/time string if (matches === null) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 date/time string"; // Force base 10 parse int as some values may have leading zeros! // (to avoid implicit octal base conversion) var hour = parseInt(matches[1], 10); var mins = parseInt(matches[2], 10); var secs = parseInt(matches[3], 10); // Simple value range check, leap years not checked if (hour < 0 || hour > 23 || mins < 0 || mins > 59 || secs < 0 || secs > 59 ) throw "Error: Invalid ISO-8601 time value"; return new Date(0, 0, 0, hour, mins, secs); }; /** * @private * * @description Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string. * *

Used non-regexp the method from http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript * * @param {String} str The string to trim. * * @returns {String} The trimmed string. */ jsworld._trim = function(str) { var whitespace = ' \n\r\t\f\x0b\xa0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u2028\u2029\u3000'; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(i); break; } } for (i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(0, i + 1); break; } } return whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(0)) === -1 ? str : ''; }; /** * @private * * @description Returns true if the argument represents a decimal number. * * @param {Number|String} arg The argument to test. * * @returns {Boolean} true if the argument represents a decimal number, * otherwise false. */ jsworld._isNumber = function(arg) { if (typeof arg == "number") return true; if (typeof arg != "string") return false; // ensure string var s = arg + ""; return (/^-?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)$/).test(s); }; /** * @private * * @description Returns true if the argument represents a decimal integer. * * @param {Number|String} arg The argument to test. * * @returns {Boolean} true if the argument represents an integer, otherwise * false. */ jsworld._isInteger = function(arg) { if (typeof arg != "number" && typeof arg != "string") return false; // convert to string var s = arg + ""; return (/^-?\d+$/).test(s); }; /** * @private * * @description Returns true if the argument represents a decimal float. * * @param {Number|String} arg The argument to test. * * @returns {Boolean} true if the argument represents a float, otherwise false. */ jsworld._isFloat = function(arg) { if (typeof arg != "number" && typeof arg != "string") return false; // convert to string var s = arg + ""; return (/^-?\.\d+?$/).test(s); }; /** * @private * * @description Checks if the specified formatting option is contained * within the options string. * * @param {String} option The option to search for. * @param {String} optionsString The options string. * * @returns {Boolean} true if the flag is found, else false */ jsworld._hasOption = function(option, optionsString) { if (typeof option != "string" || typeof optionsString != "string") return false; if (optionsString.indexOf(option) != -1) return true; else return false; }; /** * @private * * @description String replacement function. * * @param {String} s The string to work on. * @param {String} target The string to search for. * @param {String} replacement The replacement. * * @returns {String} The new string. */ jsworld._stringReplaceAll = function(s, target, replacement) { var out; if (target.length == 1 && replacement.length == 1) { // simple char/char case somewhat faster out = ""; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == target.charAt(0)) out = out + replacement.charAt(0); else out = out + s.charAt(i); } return out; } else { // longer target and replacement strings out = s; var index = out.indexOf(target); while (index != -1) { out = out.replace(target, replacement); index = out.indexOf(target); } return out; } }; /** * @private * * @description Tests if a string starts with the specified substring. * * @param {String} testedString The string to test. * @param {String} sub The string to match. * * @returns {Boolean} true if the test succeeds. */ jsworld._stringStartsWith = function (testedString, sub) { if (testedString.length < sub.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) { if (testedString.charAt(i) != sub.charAt(i)) return false; } return true; }; /** * @private * * @description Gets the requested precision from an options string. * *

Example: ".3" returns 3 decimal places precision. * * @param {String} optionsString The options string. * * @returns {integer Number} The requested precision, -1 if not specified. */ jsworld._getPrecision = function (optionsString) { if (typeof optionsString != "string") return -1; var m = optionsString.match(/\.(\d)/); if (m) return parseInt(m[1], 10); else return -1; }; /** * @private * * @description Takes a decimal numeric amount (optionally as string) and * returns its integer and fractional parts packed into an object. * * @param {Number|String} amount The amount, e.g. "123.45" or "-56.78" * * @returns {object} Parsed amount object with properties: * {String} integer : the integer part * {String} fraction : the fraction part */ jsworld._splitNumber = function (amount) { if (typeof amount == "number") amount = amount + ""; var obj = {}; // remove negative sign if (amount.charAt(0) == "-") amount = amount.substring(1); // split amount into integer and decimal parts var amountParts = amount.split("."); if (!amountParts[1]) amountParts[1] = ""; // we need "" instead of null obj.integer = amountParts[0]; obj.fraction = amountParts[1]; return obj; }; /** * @private * * @description Formats the integer part using the specified grouping * and thousands separator. * * @param {String} intPart The integer part of the amount, as string. * @param {String} grouping The grouping definition. * @param {String} thousandsSep The thousands separator. * * @returns {String} The formatted integer part. */ jsworld._formatIntegerPart = function (intPart, grouping, thousandsSep) { // empty separator string? no grouping? // -> return immediately with no formatting! if (thousandsSep == "" || grouping == "-1") return intPart; // turn the semicolon-separated string of integers into an array var groupSizes = grouping.split(";"); // the formatted output string var out = ""; // the intPart string position to process next, // start at string end, e.g. "10000000 0) { // get next group size (if any, otherwise keep last) if (groupSizes.length > 0) size = parseInt(groupSizes.shift(), 10); // int parse error? if (isNaN(size)) throw "Error: Invalid grouping"; // size is -1? -> no more grouping, so just copy string remainder if (size == -1) { out = intPart.substring(0, pos) + out; break; } pos -= size; // move to next sep. char. position // position underrun? -> just copy string remainder if (pos < 1) { out = intPart.substring(0, pos + size) + out; break; } // extract group and apply sep. char. out = thousandsSep + intPart.substring(pos, pos + size) + out; } return out; }; /** * @private * * @description Formats the fractional part to the specified decimal * precision. * * @param {String} fracPart The fractional part of the amount * @param {integer Number} precision The desired decimal precision * * @returns {String} The formatted fractional part. */ jsworld._formatFractionPart = function (fracPart, precision) { // append zeroes up to precision if necessary for (var i=0; fracPart.length < precision; i++) fracPart = fracPart + "0"; return fracPart; }; /** * @private * * @desription Converts a number to string and pad it with leading zeroes if the * string is shorter than length. * * @param {integer Number} number The number value subjected to selective padding. * @param {integer Number} length If the number has fewer digits than this length * apply padding. * * @returns {String} The formatted string. */ jsworld._zeroPad = function(number, length) { // ensure string var s = number + ""; while (s.length < length) s = "0" + s; return s; }; /** * @private * @description Converts a number to string and pads it with leading spaces if * the string is shorter than length. * * @param {integer Number} number The number value subjected to selective padding. * @param {integer Number} length If the number has fewer digits than this length * apply padding. * * @returns {String} The formatted string. */ jsworld._spacePad = function(number, length) { // ensure string var s = number + ""; while (s.length < length) s = " " + s; return s; }; /** * @class * Represents a POSIX-style locale with its numeric, monetary and date/time * properties. Also provides a set of locale helper methods. * *

The locale properties follow the POSIX standards: * *

* * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new locale object (POSIX-style) with the specified * properties. * * @param {object} properties An object containing the raw locale properties: * * @param {String} properties.decimal_point * * A string containing the symbol that shall be used as the decimal * delimiter (radix character) in numeric, non-monetary formatted * quantities. This property cannot be omitted and cannot be set to the * empty string. * * * @param {String} properties.thousands_sep * * A string containing the symbol that shall be used as a separator for * groups of digits to the left of the decimal delimiter in numeric, * non-monetary formatted monetary quantities. * * * @param {String} properties.grouping * * Defines the size of each group of digits in formatted non-monetary * quantities. The operand is a sequence of integers separated by * semicolons. Each integer specifies the number of digits in each group, * with the initial integer defining the size of the group immediately * preceding the decimal delimiter, and the following integers defining * the preceding groups. If the last integer is not -1, then the size of * the previous group (if any) shall be repeatedly used for the * remainder of the digits. If the last integer is -1, then no further * grouping shall be performed. * * * @param {String} properties.int_curr_symbol * * The first three letters signify the ISO-4217 currency code, * the fourth letter is the international symbol separation character * (normally a space). * * * @param {String} properties.currency_symbol * * The local shorthand currency symbol, e.g. "$" for the en_US locale * * * @param {String} properties.mon_decimal_point * * The symbol to be used as the decimal delimiter (radix character) * * * @param {String} properties.mon_thousands_sep * * The symbol to be used as a separator for groups of digits to the * left of the decimal delimiter. * * * @param {String} properties.mon_grouping * * A string that defines the size of each group of digits. The * operand is a sequence of integers separated by semicolons (";"). * Each integer specifies the number of digits in each group, with the * initial integer defining the size of the group preceding the * decimal delimiter, and the following integers defining the * preceding groups. If the last integer is not -1, then the size of * the previous group (if any) must be repeatedly used for the * remainder of the digits. If the last integer is -1, then no * further grouping is to be performed. * * * @param {String} properties.positive_sign * * The string to indicate a non-negative monetary amount. * * * @param {String} properties.negative_sign * * The string to indicate a negative monetary amount. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.frac_digits * * An integer representing the number of fractional digits (those to * the right of the decimal delimiter) to be written in a formatted * monetary quantity using currency_symbol. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_frac_digits * * An integer representing the number of fractional digits (those to * the right of the decimal delimiter) to be written in a formatted * monetary quantity using int_curr_symbol. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.p_cs_precedes * * An integer set to 1 if the currency_symbol precedes the value for a * monetary quantity with a non-negative value, and set to 0 if the * symbol succeeds the value. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.n_cs_precedes * * An integer set to 1 if the currency_symbol precedes the value for a * monetary quantity with a negative value, and set to 0 if the symbol * succeeds the value. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.p_sep_by_space * * Set to a value indicating the separation of the currency_symbol, * the sign string, and the value for a non-negative formatted monetary * quantity: * *

0 No space separates the currency symbol and value.

* *

1 If the currency symbol and sign string are adjacent, a space * separates them from the value; otherwise, a space separates * the currency symbol from the value.

* *

2 If the currency symbol and sign string are adjacent, a space * separates them; otherwise, a space separates the sign string * from the value.

* * * @param {integer Number} properties.n_sep_by_space * * Set to a value indicating the separation of the currency_symbol, * the sign string, and the value for a negative formatted monetary * quantity. Rules same as for p_sep_by_space. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.p_sign_posn * * An integer set to a value indicating the positioning of the * positive_sign for a monetary quantity with a non-negative value: * *

0 Parentheses enclose the quantity and the currency_symbol.

* *

1 The sign string precedes the quantity and the currency_symbol.

* *

2 The sign string succeeds the quantity and the currency_symbol.

* *

3 The sign string precedes the currency_symbol.

* *

4 The sign string succeeds the currency_symbol.

* * * @param {integer Number} properties.n_sign_posn * * An integer set to a value indicating the positioning of the * negative_sign for a negative formatted monetary quantity. Rules same * as for p_sign_posn. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_p_cs_precedes * * An integer set to 1 if the int_curr_symbol precedes the value for a * monetary quantity with a non-negative value, and set to 0 if the * symbol succeeds the value. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_n_cs_precedes * * An integer set to 1 if the int_curr_symbol precedes the value for a * monetary quantity with a negative value, and set to 0 if the symbol * succeeds the value. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_p_sep_by_space * * Set to a value indicating the separation of the int_curr_symbol, * the sign string, and the value for a non-negative internationally * formatted monetary quantity. Rules same as for p_sep_by_space. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_n_sep_by_space * * Set to a value indicating the separation of the int_curr_symbol, * the sign string, and the value for a negative internationally * formatted monetary quantity. Rules same as for p_sep_by_space. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_p_sign_posn * * An integer set to a value indicating the positioning of the * positive_sign for a positive monetary quantity formatted with the * international format. Rules same as for p_sign_posn. * * * @param {integer Number} properties.int_n_sign_posn * * An integer set to a value indicating the positioning of the * negative_sign for a negative monetary quantity formatted with the * international format. Rules same as for p_sign_posn. * * * @param {String[] | String} properties.abday * * The abbreviated weekday names, corresponding to the %a conversion * specification. The property must be either an array of 7 strings or * a string consisting of 7 semicolon-separated substrings, each * surrounded by double-quotes. The first must be the abbreviated name * of the day corresponding to Sunday, the second the abbreviated name * of the day corresponding to Monday, and so on. * * * @param {String[] | String} properties.day * * The full weekday names, corresponding to the %A conversion * specification. The property must be either an array of 7 strings or * a string consisting of 7 semicolon-separated substrings, each * surrounded by double-quotes. The first must be the full name of the * day corresponding to Sunday, the second the full name of the day * corresponding to Monday, and so on. * * * @param {String[] | String} properties.abmon * * The abbreviated month names, corresponding to the %b conversion * specification. The property must be either an array of 12 strings or * a string consisting of 12 semicolon-separated substrings, each * surrounded by double-quotes. The first must be the abbreviated name * of the first month of the year (January), the second the abbreviated * name of the second month, and so on. * * * @param {String[] | String} properties.mon * * The full month names, corresponding to the %B conversion * specification. The property must be either an array of 12 strings or * a string consisting of 12 semicolon-separated substrings, each * surrounded by double-quotes. The first must be the full name of the * first month of the year (January), the second the full name of the second * month, and so on. * * * @param {String} properties.d_fmt * * The appropriate date representation. The string may contain any * combination of characters and conversion specifications (%). * * * @param {String} properties.t_fmt * * The appropriate time representation. The string may contain any * combination of characters and conversion specifications (%). * * * @param {String} properties.d_t_fmt * * The appropriate date and time representation. The string may contain * any combination of characters and conversion specifications (%). * * * @param {String[] | String} properties.am_pm * * The appropriate representation of the ante-meridiem and post-meridiem * strings, corresponding to the %p conversion specification. The property * must be either an array of 2 strings or a string consisting of 2 * semicolon-separated substrings, each surrounded by double-quotes. * The first string must represent the ante-meridiem designation, the * last string the post-meridiem designation. * * * @throws @throws Error on a undefined or invalid locale property. */ jsworld.Locale = function(properties) { /** * @private * * @description Identifies the class for internal library purposes. */ this._className = "jsworld.Locale"; /** * @private * * @description Parses a day or month name definition list, which * could be a ready JS array, e.g. ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"...] or * it could be a string formatted according to the classic POSIX * definition e.g. "Mon";"Tue";"Wed";... * * @param {String[] | String} namesAn array or string defining * the week/month names. * @param {integer Number} expectedItems The number of expected list * items, e.g. 7 for weekdays, 12 for months. * * @returns {String[]} The parsed (and checked) items. * * @throws Error on missing definition, unexpected item count or * missing double-quotes. */ this._parseList = function(names, expectedItems) { var array = []; if (names == null) { throw "Names not defined"; } else if (typeof names == "object") { // we got a ready array array = names; } else if (typeof names == "string") { // we got the names in the classic POSIX form, do parse array = names.split(";", expectedItems); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // check for and strip double quotes if (array[i][0] == "\"" && array[i][array[i].length - 1] == "\"") array[i] = array[i].slice(1, -1); else throw "Missing double quotes"; } } else { throw "Names must be an array or a string"; } if (array.length != expectedItems) throw "Expected " + expectedItems + " items, got " + array.length; return array; }; /** * @private * * @description Validates a date/time format string, such as "H:%M:%S". * Checks that the argument is of type "string" and is not empty. * * @param {String} formatString The format string. * * @returns {String} The validated string. * * @throws Error on null or empty string. */ this._validateFormatString = function(formatString) { if (typeof formatString == "string" && formatString.length > 0) return formatString; else throw "Empty or no string"; }; // LC_NUMERIC if (properties == null || typeof properties != "object") throw "Error: Invalid/missing locale properties"; if (typeof properties.decimal_point != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing decimal_point property"; this.decimal_point = properties.decimal_point; if (typeof properties.thousands_sep != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing thousands_sep property"; this.thousands_sep = properties.thousands_sep; if (typeof properties.grouping != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing grouping property"; this.grouping = properties.grouping; // LC_MONETARY if (typeof properties.int_curr_symbol != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_curr_symbol property"; if (! /[A-Za-z]{3}.?/.test(properties.int_curr_symbol)) throw "Error: Invalid int_curr_symbol property"; this.int_curr_symbol = properties.int_curr_symbol; if (typeof properties.currency_symbol != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing currency_symbol property"; this.currency_symbol = properties.currency_symbol; if (typeof properties.frac_digits != "number" && properties.frac_digits < 0) throw "Error: Invalid/missing frac_digits property"; this.frac_digits = properties.frac_digits; // may be empty string/null for currencies with no fractional part if (properties.mon_decimal_point === null || properties.mon_decimal_point == "") { if (this.frac_digits > 0) throw "Error: Undefined mon_decimal_point property"; else properties.mon_decimal_point = ""; } if (typeof properties.mon_decimal_point != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing mon_decimal_point property"; this.mon_decimal_point = properties.mon_decimal_point; if (typeof properties.mon_thousands_sep != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing mon_thousands_sep property"; this.mon_thousands_sep = properties.mon_thousands_sep; if (typeof properties.mon_grouping != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing mon_grouping property"; this.mon_grouping = properties.mon_grouping; if (typeof properties.positive_sign != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing positive_sign property"; this.positive_sign = properties.positive_sign; if (typeof properties.negative_sign != "string") throw "Error: Invalid/missing negative_sign property"; this.negative_sign = properties.negative_sign; if (properties.p_cs_precedes !== 0 && properties.p_cs_precedes !== 1) throw "Error: Invalid/missing p_cs_precedes property, must be 0 or 1"; this.p_cs_precedes = properties.p_cs_precedes; if (properties.n_cs_precedes !== 0 && properties.n_cs_precedes !== 1) throw "Error: Invalid/missing n_cs_precedes, must be 0 or 1"; this.n_cs_precedes = properties.n_cs_precedes; if (properties.p_sep_by_space !== 0 && properties.p_sep_by_space !== 1 && properties.p_sep_by_space !== 2) throw "Error: Invalid/missing p_sep_by_space property, must be 0, 1 or 2"; this.p_sep_by_space = properties.p_sep_by_space; if (properties.n_sep_by_space !== 0 && properties.n_sep_by_space !== 1 && properties.n_sep_by_space !== 2) throw "Error: Invalid/missing n_sep_by_space property, must be 0, 1, or 2"; this.n_sep_by_space = properties.n_sep_by_space; if (properties.p_sign_posn !== 0 && properties.p_sign_posn !== 1 && properties.p_sign_posn !== 2 && properties.p_sign_posn !== 3 && properties.p_sign_posn !== 4) throw "Error: Invalid/missing p_sign_posn property, must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4"; this.p_sign_posn = properties.p_sign_posn; if (properties.n_sign_posn !== 0 && properties.n_sign_posn !== 1 && properties.n_sign_posn !== 2 && properties.n_sign_posn !== 3 && properties.n_sign_posn !== 4) throw "Error: Invalid/missing n_sign_posn property, must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4"; this.n_sign_posn = properties.n_sign_posn; if (typeof properties.int_frac_digits != "number" && properties.int_frac_digits < 0) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_frac_digits property"; this.int_frac_digits = properties.int_frac_digits; if (properties.int_p_cs_precedes !== 0 && properties.int_p_cs_precedes !== 1) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_p_cs_precedes property, must be 0 or 1"; this.int_p_cs_precedes = properties.int_p_cs_precedes; if (properties.int_n_cs_precedes !== 0 && properties.int_n_cs_precedes !== 1) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_n_cs_precedes property, must be 0 or 1"; this.int_n_cs_precedes = properties.int_n_cs_precedes; if (properties.int_p_sep_by_space !== 0 && properties.int_p_sep_by_space !== 1 && properties.int_p_sep_by_space !== 2) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_p_sep_by_spacev, must be 0, 1 or 2"; this.int_p_sep_by_space = properties.int_p_sep_by_space; if (properties.int_n_sep_by_space !== 0 && properties.int_n_sep_by_space !== 1 && properties.int_n_sep_by_space !== 2) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_n_sep_by_space property, must be 0, 1, or 2"; this.int_n_sep_by_space = properties.int_n_sep_by_space; if (properties.int_p_sign_posn !== 0 && properties.int_p_sign_posn !== 1 && properties.int_p_sign_posn !== 2 && properties.int_p_sign_posn !== 3 && properties.int_p_sign_posn !== 4) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_p_sign_posn property, must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4"; this.int_p_sign_posn = properties.int_p_sign_posn; if (properties.int_n_sign_posn !== 0 && properties.int_n_sign_posn !== 1 && properties.int_n_sign_posn !== 2 && properties.int_n_sign_posn !== 3 && properties.int_n_sign_posn !== 4) throw "Error: Invalid/missing int_n_sign_posn property, must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4"; this.int_n_sign_posn = properties.int_n_sign_posn; // LC_TIME if (properties == null || typeof properties != "object") throw "Error: Invalid/missing time locale properties"; // parse the supported POSIX LC_TIME properties // abday try { this.abday = this._parseList(properties.abday, 7); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid abday property: " + error; } // day try { this.day = this._parseList(properties.day, 7); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid day property: " + error; } // abmon try { this.abmon = this._parseList(properties.abmon, 12); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid abmon property: " + error; } // mon try { this.mon = this._parseList(properties.mon, 12); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid mon property: " + error; } // d_fmt try { this.d_fmt = this._validateFormatString(properties.d_fmt); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid d_fmt property: " + error; } // t_fmt try { this.t_fmt = this._validateFormatString(properties.t_fmt); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid t_fmt property: " + error; } // d_t_fmt try { this.d_t_fmt = this._validateFormatString(properties.d_t_fmt); } catch (error) { throw "Error: Invalid d_t_fmt property: " + error; } // am_pm try { var am_pm_strings = this._parseList(properties.am_pm, 2); this.am = am_pm_strings[0]; this.pm = am_pm_strings[1]; } catch (error) { // ignore empty/null string errors this.am = ""; this.pm = ""; } /** * @public * * @description Returns the abbreviated name of the specified weekday. * * @param {integer Number} [weekdayNum] An integer between 0 and 6. Zero * corresponds to Sunday, one to Monday, etc. If omitted the * method will return an array of all abbreviated weekday * names. * * @returns {String | String[]} The abbreviated name of the specified weekday * or an array of all abbreviated weekday names. * * @throws Error on invalid argument. */ this.getAbbreviatedWeekdayName = function(weekdayNum) { if (typeof weekdayNum == "undefined" || weekdayNum === null) return this.abday; if (! jsworld._isInteger(weekdayNum) || weekdayNum < 0 || weekdayNum > 6) throw "Error: Invalid weekday argument, must be an integer [0..6]"; return this.abday[weekdayNum]; }; /** * @public * * @description Returns the name of the specified weekday. * * @param {integer Number} [weekdayNum] An integer between 0 and 6. Zero * corresponds to Sunday, one to Monday, etc. If omitted the * method will return an array of all weekday names. * * @returns {String | String[]} The name of the specified weekday or an * array of all weekday names. * * @throws Error on invalid argument. */ this.getWeekdayName = function(weekdayNum) { if (typeof weekdayNum == "undefined" || weekdayNum === null) return this.day; if (! jsworld._isInteger(weekdayNum) || weekdayNum < 0 || weekdayNum > 6) throw "Error: Invalid weekday argument, must be an integer [0..6]"; return this.day[weekdayNum]; }; /** * @public * * @description Returns the abbreviated name of the specified month. * * @param {integer Number} [monthNum] An integer between 0 and 11. Zero * corresponds to January, one to February, etc. If omitted the * method will return an array of all abbreviated month names. * * @returns {String | String[]} The abbreviated name of the specified month * or an array of all abbreviated month names. * * @throws Error on invalid argument. */ this.getAbbreviatedMonthName = function(monthNum) { if (typeof monthNum == "undefined" || monthNum === null) return this.abmon; if (! jsworld._isInteger(monthNum) || monthNum < 0 || monthNum > 11) throw "Error: Invalid month argument, must be an integer [0..11]"; return this.abmon[monthNum]; }; /** * @public * * @description Returns the name of the specified month. * * @param {integer Number} [monthNum] An integer between 0 and 11. Zero * corresponds to January, one to February, etc. If omitted the * method will return an array of all month names. * * @returns {String | String[]} The name of the specified month or an array * of all month names. * * @throws Error on invalid argument. */ this.getMonthName = function(monthNum) { if (typeof monthNum == "undefined" || monthNum === null) return this.mon; if (! jsworld._isInteger(monthNum) || monthNum < 0 || monthNum > 11) throw "Error: Invalid month argument, must be an integer [0..11]"; return this.mon[monthNum]; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the decimal delimiter (radix) character for * numeric quantities. * * @returns {String} The radix character. */ this.getDecimalPoint = function() { return this.decimal_point; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the local shorthand currency symbol. * * @returns {String} The currency symbol. */ this.getCurrencySymbol = function() { return this.currency_symbol; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the internaltion currency symbol (ISO-4217 code). * * @returns {String} The international currency symbol. */ this.getIntCurrencySymbol = function() { return this.int_curr_symbol.substring(0,3); }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the position of the local (shorthand) currency * symbol relative to the amount. Assumes a non-negative amount. * * @returns {Boolean} True if the symbol precedes the amount, false if * the symbol succeeds the amount. */ this.currencySymbolPrecedes = function() { if (this.p_cs_precedes == 1) return true; else return false; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the position of the international (ISO-4217 code) * currency symbol relative to the amount. Assumes a non-negative * amount. * * @returns {Boolean} True if the symbol precedes the amount, false if * the symbol succeeds the amount. */ this.intCurrencySymbolPrecedes = function() { if (this.int_p_cs_precedes == 1) return true; else return false; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the decimal delimiter (radix) for monetary * quantities. * * @returns {String} The radix character. */ this.getMonetaryDecimalPoint = function() { return this.mon_decimal_point; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the number of fractional digits for local * (shorthand) symbol formatting. * * @returns {integer Number} The number of fractional digits. */ this.getFractionalDigits = function() { return this.frac_digits; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the number of fractional digits for * international (ISO-4217 code) formatting. * * @returns {integer Number} The number of fractional digits. */ this.getIntFractionalDigits = function() { return this.int_frac_digits; }; }; /** * @class * Class for localised formatting of numbers. * *

See: * POSIX LC_NUMERIC. * * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new numeric formatter for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_NUMERIC formatting properties. * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.NumericFormatter = function(locale) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance"; this.lc = locale; /** * @public * * @description Formats a decimal numeric value according to the preset * locale. * * @param {Number|String} number The number to format. * @param {String} [options] Options to modify the formatted output: *

  • "^" suppress grouping *
  • "+" force positive sign for positive amounts *
  • "~" suppress positive/negative sign *
  • ".n" specify decimal precision 'n' *
* * @returns {String} The formatted number. * * @throws "Error: Invalid input" on bad input. */ this.format = function(number, options) { if (typeof number == "string") number = jsworld._trim(number); if (! jsworld._isNumber(number)) throw "Error: The input is not a number"; var floatAmount = parseFloat(number, 10); // get the required precision var reqPrecision = jsworld._getPrecision(options); // round to required precision if (reqPrecision != -1) floatAmount = Math.round(floatAmount * Math.pow(10, reqPrecision)) / Math.pow(10, reqPrecision); // convert the float number to string and parse into // object with properties integer and fraction var parsedAmount = jsworld._splitNumber(String(floatAmount)); // format integer part with grouping chars var formattedIntegerPart; if (floatAmount === 0) formattedIntegerPart = "0"; else formattedIntegerPart = jsworld._hasOption("^", options) ? parsedAmount.integer : jsworld._formatIntegerPart(parsedAmount.integer, this.lc.grouping, this.lc.thousands_sep); // format the fractional part var formattedFractionPart = reqPrecision != -1 ? jsworld._formatFractionPart(parsedAmount.fraction, reqPrecision) : parsedAmount.fraction; // join the integer and fraction parts using the decimal_point property var formattedAmount = formattedFractionPart.length ? formattedIntegerPart + this.lc.decimal_point + formattedFractionPart : formattedIntegerPart; // prepend sign? if (jsworld._hasOption("~", options) || floatAmount === 0) { // suppress both '+' and '-' signs, i.e. return abs value return formattedAmount; } else { if (jsworld._hasOption("+", options) || floatAmount < 0) { if (floatAmount > 0) // force '+' sign for positive amounts return "+" + formattedAmount; else if (floatAmount < 0) // prepend '-' sign return "-" + formattedAmount; else // zero case return formattedAmount; } else { // positive amount with no '+' sign return formattedAmount; } } }; }; /** * @class * Class for localised formatting of dates and times. * *

See: * POSIX LC_TIME. * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new date/time formatter for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_TIME formatting properties. * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.DateTimeFormatter = function(locale) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance."; this.lc = locale; /** * @public * * @description Formats a date according to the preset locale. * * @param {Date|String} date A valid Date object instance or a string * containing a valid ISO-8601 formatted date, e.g. "2010-31-03" * or "2010-03-31 23:59:59". * * @returns {String} The formatted date * * @throws Error on invalid date argument */ this.formatDate = function(date) { var d = null; if (typeof date == "string") { // assume ISO-8601 date string try { d = jsworld.parseIsoDate(date); } catch (error) { // try full ISO-8601 date/time string d = jsworld.parseIsoDateTime(date); } } else if (date !== null && typeof date == "object") { // assume ready Date object d = date; } else { throw "Error: Invalid date argument, must be a Date object or an ISO-8601 date/time string"; } return this._applyFormatting(d, this.lc.d_fmt); }; /** * @public * * @description Formats a time according to the preset locale. * * @param {Date|String} date A valid Date object instance or a string * containing a valid ISO-8601 formatted time, e.g. "23:59:59" * or "2010-03-31 23:59:59". * * @returns {String} The formatted time. * * @throws Error on invalid date argument. */ this.formatTime = function(date) { var d = null; if (typeof date == "string") { // assume ISO-8601 time string try { d = jsworld.parseIsoTime(date); } catch (error) { // try full ISO-8601 date/time string d = jsworld.parseIsoDateTime(date); } } else if (date !== null && typeof date == "object") { // assume ready Date object d = date; } else { throw "Error: Invalid date argument, must be a Date object or an ISO-8601 date/time string"; } return this._applyFormatting(d, this.lc.t_fmt); }; /** * @public * * @description Formats a date/time value according to the preset * locale. * * @param {Date|String} date A valid Date object instance or a string * containing a valid ISO-8601 formatted date/time, e.g. * "2010-03-31 23:59:59". * * @returns {String} The formatted time. * * @throws Error on invalid argument. */ this.formatDateTime = function(date) { var d = null; if (typeof date == "string") { // assume ISO-8601 format d = jsworld.parseIsoDateTime(date); } else if (date !== null && typeof date == "object") { // assume ready Date object d = date; } else { throw "Error: Invalid date argument, must be a Date object or an ISO-8601 date/time string"; } return this._applyFormatting(d, this.lc.d_t_fmt); }; /** * @private * * @description Apples formatting to the Date object according to the * format string. * * @param {Date} d A valid Date instance. * @param {String} s The formatting string with '%' placeholders. * * @returns {String} The formatted string. */ this._applyFormatting = function(d, s) { s = s.replace(/%%/g, '%'); s = s.replace(/%a/g, this.lc.abday[d.getDay()]); s = s.replace(/%A/g, this.lc.day[d.getDay()]); s = s.replace(/%b/g, this.lc.abmon[d.getMonth()]); s = s.replace(/%B/g, this.lc.mon[d.getMonth()]); s = s.replace(/%d/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getDate(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%e/g, jsworld._spacePad(d.getDate(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%F/g, d.getFullYear() + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(d.getMonth()+1, 2) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(d.getDate(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%h/g, this.lc.abmon[d.getMonth()]); // same as %b s = s.replace(/%H/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getHours(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%I/g, jsworld._zeroPad(this._hours12(d.getHours()), 2)); s = s.replace(/%k/g, d.getHours()); s = s.replace(/%l/g, this._hours12(d.getHours())); s = s.replace(/%m/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getMonth()+1, 2)); s = s.replace(/%n/g, "\n"); s = s.replace(/%M/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getMinutes(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%p/g, this._getAmPm(d.getHours())); s = s.replace(/%P/g, this._getAmPm(d.getHours()).toLocaleLowerCase()); // safe? s = s.replace(/%R/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getHours(), 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(d.getMinutes(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%S/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getSeconds(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%T/g, jsworld._zeroPad(d.getHours(), 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(d.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(d.getSeconds(), 2)); s = s.replace(/%w/g, this.lc.day[d.getDay()]); s = s.replace(/%y/g, new String(d.getFullYear()).substring(2)); s = s.replace(/%Y/g, d.getFullYear()); s = s.replace(/%Z/g, ""); // to do: ignored until a reliable TMZ method found s = s.replace(/%[a-zA-Z]/g, ""); // ignore all other % sequences return s; }; /** * @private * * @description Does 24 to 12 hour conversion. * * @param {integer Number} hour24 Hour [0..23]. * * @returns {integer Number} Corresponding hour [1..12]. */ this._hours12 = function(hour24) { if (hour24 === 0) return 12; // 00h is 12AM else if (hour24 > 12) return hour24 - 12; // 1PM to 11PM else return hour24; // 1AM to 12PM }; /** * @private * * @description Gets the appropriate localised AM or PM string depending * on the day hour. Special cases: midnight is 12AM, noon is 12PM. * * @param {integer Number} hour24 Hour [0..23]. * * @returns {String} The corresponding localised AM or PM string. */ this._getAmPm = function(hour24) { if (hour24 < 12) return this.lc.am; else return this.lc.pm; }; }; /** * @class Class for localised formatting of currency amounts. * *

See: * POSIX LC_MONETARY. * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new monetary formatter for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_MONETARY formatting properties. * @param {String} [currencyCode] Set the currency explicitly by * passing its international ISO-4217 code, e.g. "USD", "EUR", "GBP". * Use this optional parameter to override the default local currency * @param {String} [altIntSymbol] Non-local currencies are formatted * with their international ISO-4217 code to prevent ambiguity. * Use this optional argument to force a different symbol, such as the * currency's shorthand sign. This is mostly useful when the shorthand * sign is both internationally recognised and identifies the currency * uniquely (e.g. the Euro sign). * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.MonetaryFormatter = function(locale, currencyCode, altIntSymbol) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance"; this.lc = locale; /** * @private * @description Lookup table to determine the fraction digits for a * specific currency; most currencies subdivide at 1/100 (2 fractional * digits), so we store only those that deviate from the default. * *

The data is from Unicode's CLDR version 1.7.0. The two currencies * with non-decimal subunits (MGA and MRO) are marked as having no * fractional digits as well as all currencies that have no subunits * in circulation. * *

It is "hard-wired" for referential convenience and is only looked * up when an overriding currencyCode parameter is supplied. */ this.currencyFractionDigits = { "AFN" : 0, "ALL" : 0, "AMD" : 0, "BHD" : 3, "BIF" : 0, "BYR" : 0, "CLF" : 0, "CLP" : 0, "COP" : 0, "CRC" : 0, "DJF" : 0, "GNF" : 0, "GYD" : 0, "HUF" : 0, "IDR" : 0, "IQD" : 0, "IRR" : 0, "ISK" : 0, "JOD" : 3, "JPY" : 0, "KMF" : 0, "KRW" : 0, "KWD" : 3, "LAK" : 0, "LBP" : 0, "LYD" : 3, "MGA" : 0, "MMK" : 0, "MNT" : 0, "MRO" : 0, "MUR" : 0, "OMR" : 3, "PKR" : 0, "PYG" : 0, "RSD" : 0, "RWF" : 0, "SLL" : 0, "SOS" : 0, "STD" : 0, "SYP" : 0, "TND" : 3, "TWD" : 0, "TZS" : 0, "UGX" : 0, "UZS" : 0, "VND" : 0, "VUV" : 0, "XAF" : 0, "XOF" : 0, "XPF" : 0, "YER" : 0, "ZMK" : 0 }; // optional currencyCode argument? if (typeof currencyCode == "string") { // user wanted to override the local currency this.currencyCode = currencyCode.toUpperCase(); // must override the frac digits too, for some // currencies have 0, 2 or 3! var numDigits = this.currencyFractionDigits[this.currencyCode]; if (typeof numDigits != "number") numDigits = 2; // default for most currencies this.lc.frac_digits = numDigits; this.lc.int_frac_digits = numDigits; } else { // use local currency this.currencyCode = this.lc.int_curr_symbol.substring(0,3).toUpperCase(); } // extract intl. currency separator this.intSep = this.lc.int_curr_symbol.charAt(3); // flag local or intl. sign formatting? if (this.currencyCode == this.lc.int_curr_symbol.substring(0,3)) { // currency matches the local one? -> // formatting with local symbol and parameters this.internationalFormatting = false; this.curSym = this.lc.currency_symbol; } else { // currency doesn't match the local -> // do we have an overriding currency symbol? if (typeof altIntSymbol == "string") { // -> force formatting with local parameters, using alt symbol this.curSym = altIntSymbol; this.internationalFormatting = false; } else { // -> force formatting with intl. sign and parameters this.internationalFormatting = true; } } /** * @public * * @description Gets the currency symbol used in formatting. * * @returns {String} The currency symbol. */ this.getCurrencySymbol = function() { return this.curSym; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the position of the currency symbol relative to * the amount. Assumes a non-negative amount and local formatting. * * @param {String} intFlag Optional flag to force international * formatting by passing the string "i". * * @returns {Boolean} True if the symbol precedes the amount, false if * the symbol succeeds the amount. */ this.currencySymbolPrecedes = function(intFlag) { if (typeof intFlag == "string" && intFlag == "i") { // international formatting was forced if (this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes == 1) return true; else return false; } else { // check whether local formatting is on or off if (this.internationalFormatting) { if (this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes == 1) return true; else return false; } else { if (this.lc.p_cs_precedes == 1) return true; else return false; } } }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the decimal delimiter (radix) used in formatting. * * @returns {String} The radix character. */ this.getDecimalPoint = function() { return this.lc.mon_decimal_point; }; /** * @public * * @description Gets the number of fractional digits. Assumes local * formatting. * * @param {String} intFlag Optional flag to force international * formatting by passing the string "i". * * @returns {integer Number} The number of fractional digits. */ this.getFractionalDigits = function(intFlag) { if (typeof intFlag == "string" && intFlag == "i") { // international formatting was forced return this.lc.int_frac_digits; } else { // check whether local formatting is on or off if (this.internationalFormatting) return this.lc.int_frac_digits; else return this.lc.frac_digits; } }; /** * @public * * @description Formats a monetary amount according to the preset * locale. * *

	 * For local currencies the native shorthand symbol will be used for
	 * formatting.
	 * Example:
	 *        locale is en_US
	 *        currency is USD
	 *        -> the "$" symbol will be used, e.g. $123.45
	 * For non-local currencies the international ISO-4217 code will be
	 * used for formatting.
	 * Example:
	 *       locale is en_US (which has USD as currency)
	 *       currency is EUR
	 *       -> the ISO three-letter code will be used, e.g. EUR 123.45
	 * If the currency is non-local, but an alternative currency symbol was
	 * provided, this will be used instead.
	 * Example
	 *       locale is en_US (which has USD as currency)
	 *       currency is EUR
	 *       an alternative symbol is provided - "€"
	 *       -> the alternative symbol will be used, e.g. €123.45
* * @param {Number|String} amount The amount to format as currency. * @param {String} [options] Options to modify the formatted output: *
  • "^" suppress grouping *
  • "!" suppress the currency symbol *
  • "~" suppress the currency symbol and the sign (positive or negative) *
  • "i" force international sign (ISO-4217 code) formatting *
  • ".n" specify decimal precision * * @returns The formatted currency amount as string. * * @throws "Error: Invalid amount" on bad amount. */ this.format = function(amount, options) { // if the amount is passed as string, check that it parses to a float var floatAmount; if (typeof amount == "string") { amount = jsworld._trim(amount); floatAmount = parseFloat(amount); if (typeof floatAmount != "number" || isNaN(floatAmount)) throw "Error: Amount string not a number"; } else if (typeof amount == "number") { floatAmount = amount; } else { throw "Error: Amount not a number"; } // get the required precision, ".n" option arg overrides default locale config var reqPrecision = jsworld._getPrecision(options); if (reqPrecision == -1) { if (this.internationalFormatting || jsworld._hasOption("i", options)) reqPrecision = this.lc.int_frac_digits; else reqPrecision = this.lc.frac_digits; } // round floatAmount = Math.round(floatAmount * Math.pow(10, reqPrecision)) / Math.pow(10, reqPrecision); // convert the float amount to string and parse into // object with properties integer and fraction var parsedAmount = jsworld._splitNumber(String(floatAmount)); // format integer part with grouping chars var formattedIntegerPart; if (floatAmount === 0) formattedIntegerPart = "0"; else formattedIntegerPart = jsworld._hasOption("^", options) ? parsedAmount.integer : jsworld._formatIntegerPart(parsedAmount.integer, this.lc.mon_grouping, this.lc.mon_thousands_sep); // format the fractional part var formattedFractionPart; if (reqPrecision == -1) { // pad fraction with trailing zeros accoring to default locale [int_]frac_digits if (this.internationalFormatting || jsworld._hasOption("i", options)) formattedFractionPart = jsworld._formatFractionPart(parsedAmount.fraction, this.lc.int_frac_digits); else formattedFractionPart = jsworld._formatFractionPart(parsedAmount.fraction, this.lc.frac_digits); } else { // pad fraction with trailing zeros according to optional format parameter formattedFractionPart = jsworld._formatFractionPart(parsedAmount.fraction, reqPrecision); } // join integer and decimal parts using the mon_decimal_point property var quantity; if (this.lc.frac_digits > 0 || formattedFractionPart.length) quantity = formattedIntegerPart + this.lc.mon_decimal_point + formattedFractionPart; else quantity = formattedIntegerPart; // do final formatting with sign and symbol if (jsworld._hasOption("~", options)) { return quantity; } else { var suppressSymbol = jsworld._hasOption("!", options) ? true : false; var sign = floatAmount < 0 ? "-" : "+"; if (this.internationalFormatting || jsworld._hasOption("i", options)) { // format with ISO-4217 code (suppressed or not) if (suppressSymbol) return this._formatAsInternationalCurrencyWithNoSym(sign, quantity); else return this._formatAsInternationalCurrency(sign, quantity); } else { // format with local currency code (suppressed or not) if (suppressSymbol) return this._formatAsLocalCurrencyWithNoSym(sign, quantity); else return this._formatAsLocalCurrency(sign, quantity); } } }; /** * @private * * @description Assembles the final string with sign, separator and symbol as local * currency. * * @param {String} sign The amount sign: "+" or "-". * @param {String} q The formatted quantity (unsigned). * * @returns {String} The final formatted string. */ this._formatAsLocalCurrency = function (sign, q) { // assemble final formatted amount by going over all possible value combinations of: // sign {+,-} , sign position {0,1,2,3,4} , separator {0,1,2} , symbol position {0,1} if (sign == "+") { // parentheses if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.curSym + ")"; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.curSym + q + ")"; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + " " + this.curSym + ")"; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.curSym + " " + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q + " " + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + this.curSym + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + " " + q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.curSym + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign + " " + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + this.curSym + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + " " + this.lc.positive_sign + q; } } else if (sign == "-") { // parentheses enclose q + sym if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.curSym + ")"; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.curSym + q + ")"; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + " " + this.curSym + ")"; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.curSym + " " + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q + " " + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + this.curSym + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + " " + q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.curSym + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign + " " + this.curSym; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + this.curSym + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.curSym + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.curSym + " " + this.lc.negative_sign + q; } } // throw error if we fall through throw "Error: Invalid POSIX LC MONETARY definition"; }; /** * @private * * @description Assembles the final string with sign, separator and ISO-4217 * currency code. * * @param {String} sign The amount sign: "+" or "-". * @param {String} q The formatted quantity (unsigned). * * @returns {String} The final formatted string. */ this._formatAsInternationalCurrency = function (sign, q) { // assemble the final formatted amount by going over all possible value combinations of: // sign {+,-} , sign position {0,1,2,3,4} , separator {0,1,2} , symbol position {0,1} if (sign == "+") { // parentheses if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.currencyCode + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.currencyCode + q + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign + q; } } else if (sign == "-") { // parentheses enclose q + sym if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.currencyCode + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.currencyCode + q + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return "(" + q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + ")"; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return "(" + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.currencyCode + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign + q; } } // throw error if we fall through throw "Error: Invalid POSIX LC MONETARY definition"; }; /** * @private * * @description Assembles the final string with sign and separator, but suppress the * local currency symbol. * * @param {String} sign The amount sign: "+" or "-". * @param {String} q The formatted quantity (unsigned). * * @returns {String} The final formatted string */ this._formatAsLocalCurrencyWithNoSym = function (sign, q) { // assemble the final formatted amount by going over all possible value combinations of: // sign {+,-} , sign position {0,1,2,3,4} , separator {0,1,2} , symbol position {0,1} if (sign == "+") { // parentheses if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0) { return "(" + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } } else if (sign == "-") { // parentheses enclose q + sym if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0) { return "(" + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + " " + q; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + " " + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } } // throw error if we fall through throw "Error: Invalid POSIX LC MONETARY definition"; }; /** * @private * * @description Assembles the final string with sign and separator, but suppress * the ISO-4217 currency code. * * @param {String} sign The amount sign: "+" or "-". * @param {String} q The formatted quantity (unsigned). * * @returns {String} The final formatted string. */ this._formatAsInternationalCurrencyWithNoSym = function (sign, q) { // assemble the final formatted amount by going over all possible value combinations of: // sign {+,-} , sign position {0,1,2,3,4} , separator {0,1,2} , symbol position {0,1} if (sign == "+") { // parentheses if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0) { return "(" + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.positive_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_p_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_p_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.positive_sign + q; } } else if (sign == "-") { // parentheses enclose q + sym if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0) { return "(" + q + ")"; } // sign before q + sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 1 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } // sign after q + sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 2 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } // sign before sym else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 3 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } // sign after symbol else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 0 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 1 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + this.intSep + q; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0) { return q + this.intSep + this.lc.negative_sign; } else if (this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 4 && this.lc.int_n_sep_by_space === 2 && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 1) { return this.lc.negative_sign + q; } } // throw error if we fall through throw "Error: Invalid POSIX LC_MONETARY definition"; }; }; /** * @class * Class for parsing localised number strings. * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new numeric parser for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_NUMERIC formatting properties. * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.NumericParser = function(locale) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance"; this.lc = locale; /** * @public * * @description Parses a numeric string formatted according to the * preset locale. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored; the number * may also be formatted without thousands separators. * * @param {String} formattedNumber The formatted number. * * @returns {Number} The parsed number. * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this.parse = function(formattedNumber) { if (typeof formattedNumber != "string") throw "Parse error: Argument must be a string"; // trim whitespace var s = jsworld._trim(formattedNumber); // remove any thousand separator symbols s = jsworld._stringReplaceAll(formattedNumber, this.lc.thousands_sep, ""); // replace any local decimal point symbols with the symbol used // in JavaScript "." s = jsworld._stringReplaceAll(s, this.lc.decimal_point, "."); // test if the string represents a number if (jsworld._isNumber(s)) return parseFloat(s, 10); else throw "Parse error: Invalid number string"; }; }; /** * @class * Class for parsing localised date and time strings. * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new date/time parser for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_TIME formatting properties. * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.DateTimeParser = function(locale) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance."; this.lc = locale; /** * @public * * @description Parses a time string formatted according to the * POSIX LC_TIME t_fmt property of the preset locale. * * @param {String} formattedTime The formatted time. * * @returns {String} The parsed time in ISO-8601 format (HH:MM:SS), e.g. * "23:59:59". * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this.parseTime = function(formattedTime) { if (typeof formattedTime != "string") throw "Parse error: Argument must be a string"; var dt = this._extractTokens(this.lc.t_fmt, formattedTime); var timeDefined = false; if (dt.hour !== null && dt.minute !== null && dt.second !== null) { timeDefined = true; } else if (dt.hourAmPm !== null && dt.am !== null && dt.minute !== null && dt.second !== null) { if (dt.am) { // AM [12(midnight), 1 .. 11] if (dt.hourAmPm == 12) dt.hour = 0; else dt.hour = parseInt(dt.hourAmPm, 10); } else { // PM [12(noon), 1 .. 11] if (dt.hourAmPm == 12) dt.hour = 12; else dt.hour = parseInt(dt.hourAmPm, 10) + 12; } timeDefined = true; } if (timeDefined) return jsworld._zeroPad(dt.hour, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.minute, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.second, 2); else throw "Parse error: Invalid/ambiguous time string"; }; /** * @public * * @description Parses a date string formatted according to the * POSIX LC_TIME d_fmt property of the preset locale. * * @param {String} formattedDate The formatted date, must be valid. * * @returns {String} The parsed date in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD), * e.g. "2010-03-31". * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this.parseDate = function(formattedDate) { if (typeof formattedDate != "string") throw "Parse error: Argument must be a string"; var dt = this._extractTokens(this.lc.d_fmt, formattedDate); var dateDefined = false; if (dt.year !== null && dt.month !== null && dt.day !== null) { dateDefined = true; } if (dateDefined) return jsworld._zeroPad(dt.year, 4) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.month, 2) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.day, 2); else throw "Parse error: Invalid date string"; }; /** * @public * * @description Parses a date/time string formatted according to the * POSIX LC_TIME d_t_fmt property of the preset locale. * * @param {String} formattedDateTime The formatted date/time, must be * valid. * * @returns {String} The parsed date/time in ISO-8601 format * (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS), e.g. "2010-03-31 23:59:59". * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this.parseDateTime = function(formattedDateTime) { if (typeof formattedDateTime != "string") throw "Parse error: Argument must be a string"; var dt = this._extractTokens(this.lc.d_t_fmt, formattedDateTime); var timeDefined = false; var dateDefined = false; if (dt.hour !== null && dt.minute !== null && dt.second !== null) { timeDefined = true; } else if (dt.hourAmPm !== null && dt.am !== null && dt.minute !== null && dt.second !== null) { if (dt.am) { // AM [12(midnight), 1 .. 11] if (dt.hourAmPm == 12) dt.hour = 0; else dt.hour = parseInt(dt.hourAmPm, 10); } else { // PM [12(noon), 1 .. 11] if (dt.hourAmPm == 12) dt.hour = 12; else dt.hour = parseInt(dt.hourAmPm, 10) + 12; } timeDefined = true; } if (dt.year !== null && dt.month !== null && dt.day !== null) { dateDefined = true; } if (dateDefined && timeDefined) return jsworld._zeroPad(dt.year, 4) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.month, 2) + "-" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.day, 2) + " " + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.hour, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.minute, 2) + ":" + jsworld._zeroPad(dt.second, 2); else throw "Parse error: Invalid/ambiguous date/time string"; }; /** * @private * * @description Parses a string according to the specified format * specification. * * @param {String} fmtSpec The format specification, e.g. "%I:%M:%S %p". * @param {String} s The string to parse. * * @returns {object} An object with set properties year, month, day, * hour, minute and second if the corresponding values are * found in the parsed string. * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this._extractTokens = function(fmtSpec, s) { // the return object containing the parsed date/time properties var dt = { // for date and date/time strings "year" : null, "month" : null, "day" : null, // for time and date/time strings "hour" : null, "hourAmPm" : null, "am" : null, "minute" : null, "second" : null, // used internally only "weekday" : null }; // extract and process each token in the date/time spec while (fmtSpec.length > 0) { // Do we have a valid "%\w" placeholder in stream? if (fmtSpec.charAt(0) == "%" && fmtSpec.charAt(1) != "") { // get placeholder var placeholder = fmtSpec.substring(0,2); if (placeholder == "%%") { // escaped '%'' s = s.substring(1); } else if (placeholder == "%a") { // abbreviated weekday name for (var i = 0; i < this.lc.abday.length; i++) { if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.abday[i])) { dt.weekday = i; s = s.substring(this.lc.abday[i].length); break; } } if (dt.weekday === null) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised abbreviated weekday name (%a)"; } else if (placeholder == "%A") { // weekday name for (var i = 0; i < this.lc.day.length; i++) { if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.day[i])) { dt.weekday = i; s = s.substring(this.lc.day[i].length); break; } } if (dt.weekday === null) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised weekday name (%A)"; } else if (placeholder == "%b" || placeholder == "%h") { // abbreviated month name for (var i = 0; i < this.lc.abmon.length; i++) { if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.abmon[i])) { dt.month = i + 1; s = s.substring(this.lc.abmon[i].length); break; } } if (dt.month === null) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised abbreviated month name (%b)"; } else if (placeholder == "%B") { // month name for (var i = 0; i < this.lc.mon.length; i++) { if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.mon[i])) { dt.month = i + 1; s = s.substring(this.lc.mon[i].length); break; } } if (dt.month === null) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised month name (%B)"; } else if (placeholder == "%d") { // day of the month [01..31] if (/^0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]/.test(s)) { dt.day = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised day of the month (%d)"; } else if (placeholder == "%e") { // day of the month [1..31] // Note: if %e is leading in fmt string -> space padded! var day = s.match(/^\s?(\d{1,2})/); dt.day = parseInt(day, 10); if (isNaN(dt.day) || dt.day < 1 || dt.day > 31) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised day of the month (%e)"; s = s.substring(day.length); } else if (placeholder == "%F") { // equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (ISO-8601 date format) // year [nnnn] if (/^\d\d\d\d/.test(s)) { dt.year = parseInt(s.substring(0,4), 10); s = s.substring(4); } else { throw "Parse error: Unrecognised date (%F)"; } // - if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, "-")) s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised date (%F)"; // month [01..12] if (/^0[1-9]|1[0-2]/.test(s)) { dt.month = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised date (%F)"; // - if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, "-")) s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised date (%F)"; // day of the month [01..31] if (/^0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]/.test(s)) { dt.day = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised date (%F)"; } else if (placeholder == "%H") { // hour [00..23] if (/^[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]/.test(s)) { dt.hour = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised hour (%H)"; } else if (placeholder == "%I") { // hour [01..12] if (/^0[1-9]|1[0-2]/.test(s)) { dt.hourAmPm = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised hour (%I)"; } else if (placeholder == "%k") { // hour [0..23] var h = s.match(/^(\d{1,2})/); dt.hour = parseInt(h, 10); if (isNaN(dt.hour) || dt.hour < 0 || dt.hour > 23) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised hour (%k)"; s = s.substring(h.length); } else if (placeholder == "%l") { // hour AM/PM [1..12] var h = s.match(/^(\d{1,2})/); dt.hourAmPm = parseInt(h, 10); if (isNaN(dt.hourAmPm) || dt.hourAmPm < 1 || dt.hourAmPm > 12) throw "Parse error: Unrecognised hour (%l)"; s = s.substring(h.length); } else if (placeholder == "%m") { // month [01..12] if (/^0[1-9]|1[0-2]/.test(s)) { dt.month = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised month (%m)"; } else if (placeholder == "%M") { // minute [00..59] if (/^[0-5][0-9]/.test(s)) { dt.minute = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised minute (%M)"; } else if (placeholder == "%n") { // new line if (s.charAt(0) == "\n") s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised new line (%n)"; } else if (placeholder == "%p") { // locale's equivalent of AM/PM if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.am)) { dt.am = true; s = s.substring(this.lc.am.length); } else if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.pm)) { dt.am = false; s = s.substring(this.lc.pm.length); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised AM/PM value (%p)"; } else if (placeholder == "%P") { // same as %p but forced lower case if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.am.toLowerCase())) { dt.am = true; s = s.substring(this.lc.am.length); } else if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, this.lc.pm.toLowerCase())) { dt.am = false; s = s.substring(this.lc.pm.length); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised AM/PM value (%P)"; } else if (placeholder == "%R") { // same as %H:%M // hour [00..23] if (/^[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]/.test(s)) { dt.hour = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%R)"; // : if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, ":")) s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%R)"; // minute [00..59] if (/^[0-5][0-9]/.test(s)) { dt.minute = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%R)"; } else if (placeholder == "%S") { // second [00..59] if (/^[0-5][0-9]/.test(s)) { dt.second = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised second (%S)"; } else if (placeholder == "%T") { // same as %H:%M:%S // hour [00..23] if (/^[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]/.test(s)) { dt.hour = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%T)"; // : if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, ":")) s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%T)"; // minute [00..59] if (/^[0-5][0-9]/.test(s)) { dt.minute = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%T)"; // : if (jsworld._stringStartsWith(s, ":")) s = s.substring(1); else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%T)"; // second [00..59] if (/^[0-5][0-9]/.test(s)) { dt.second = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised time (%T)"; } else if (placeholder == "%w") { // weekday [0..6] if (/^\d/.test(s)) { dt.weekday = parseInt(s.substring(0,1), 10); s = s.substring(1); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised weekday number (%w)"; } else if (placeholder == "%y") { // year [00..99] if (/^\d\d/.test(s)) { var year2digits = parseInt(s.substring(0,2), 10); // this conversion to year[nnnn] is arbitrary!!! if (year2digits > 50) dt.year = 1900 + year2digits; else dt.year = 2000 + year2digits; s = s.substring(2); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised year (%y)"; } else if (placeholder == "%Y") { // year [nnnn] if (/^\d\d\d\d/.test(s)) { dt.year = parseInt(s.substring(0,4), 10); s = s.substring(4); } else throw "Parse error: Unrecognised year (%Y)"; } else if (placeholder == "%Z") { // time-zone place holder is not supported if (fmtSpec.length === 0) break; // ignore rest of fmt spec } // remove the spec placeholder that was just parsed fmtSpec = fmtSpec.substring(2); } else { // If we don't have a placeholder, the chars // at pos. 0 of format spec and parsed string must match // Note: Space chars treated 1:1 ! if (fmtSpec.charAt(0) != s.charAt(0)) throw "Parse error: Unexpected symbol \"" + s.charAt(0) + "\" in date/time string"; fmtSpec = fmtSpec.substring(1); s = s.substring(1); } } // parsing finished, return composite date/time object return dt; }; }; /** * @class * Class for parsing localised currency amount strings. * * @public * @constructor * @description Creates a new monetary parser for the specified locale. * * @param {jsworld.Locale} locale A locale object specifying the required * POSIX LC_MONETARY formatting properties. * * @throws Error on constructor failure. */ jsworld.MonetaryParser = function(locale) { if (typeof locale != "object" || locale._className != "jsworld.Locale") throw "Constructor error: You must provide a valid jsworld.Locale instance"; this.lc = locale; /** * @public * * @description Parses a currency amount string formatted according to * the preset locale. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored; the * amount may also be formatted without thousands separators. Both * the local (shorthand) symbol and the ISO 4217 code are accepted to * designate the currency in the formatted amount. * * @param {String} formattedCurrency The formatted currency amount. * * @returns {Number} The parsed amount. * * @throws Error on a parse exception. */ this.parse = function(formattedCurrency) { if (typeof formattedCurrency != "string") throw "Parse error: Argument must be a string"; // Detect the format type and remove the currency symbol var symbolType = this._detectCurrencySymbolType(formattedCurrency); var formatType, s; if (symbolType == "local") { formatType = "local"; s = formattedCurrency.replace(this.lc.getCurrencySymbol(), ""); } else if (symbolType == "int") { formatType = "int"; s = formattedCurrency.replace(this.lc.getIntCurrencySymbol(), ""); } else if (symbolType == "none") { formatType = "local"; // assume local s = formattedCurrency; } else throw "Parse error: Internal assert failure"; // Remove any thousands separators s = jsworld._stringReplaceAll(s, this.lc.mon_thousands_sep, ""); // Replace any local radix char with JavaScript's "." s = s.replace(this.lc.mon_decimal_point, "."); // Remove all whitespaces s = s.replace(/\s*/g, ""); // Remove any local non-negative sign s = this._removeLocalNonNegativeSign(s, formatType); // Replace any local minus sign with JavaScript's "-" and put // it in front of the amount if necessary // (special parentheses rule checked too) s = this._normaliseNegativeSign(s, formatType); // Finally, we should be left with a bare parsable decimal number if (jsworld._isNumber(s)) return parseFloat(s, 10); else throw "Parse error: Invalid currency amount string"; }; /** * @private * * @description Tries to detect the symbol type used in the specified * formatted currency string: local(shorthand), * international (ISO-4217 code) or none. * * @param {String} formattedCurrency The the formatted currency string. * * @return {String} With possible values "local", "int" or "none". */ this._detectCurrencySymbolType = function(formattedCurrency) { // Check for whichever sign (int/local) is longer first // to cover cases such as MOP/MOP$ and ZAR/R if (this.lc.getCurrencySymbol().length > this.lc.getIntCurrencySymbol().length) { if (formattedCurrency.indexOf(this.lc.getCurrencySymbol()) != -1) return "local"; else if (formattedCurrency.indexOf(this.lc.getIntCurrencySymbol()) != -1) return "int"; else return "none"; } else { if (formattedCurrency.indexOf(this.lc.getIntCurrencySymbol()) != -1) return "int"; else if (formattedCurrency.indexOf(this.lc.getCurrencySymbol()) != -1) return "local"; else return "none"; } }; /** * @private * * @description Removes a local non-negative sign in a formatted * currency string if it is found. This is done according to the * locale properties p_sign_posn and int_p_sign_posn. * * @param {String} s The input string. * @param {String} formatType With possible values "local" or "int". * * @returns {String} The processed string. */ this._removeLocalNonNegativeSign = function(s, formatType) { s = s.replace(this.lc.positive_sign, ""); // check for enclosing parentheses rule if (((formatType == "local" && this.lc.p_sign_posn === 0) || (formatType == "int" && this.lc.int_p_sign_posn === 0) ) && /\(\d+\.?\d*\)/.test(s)) { s = s.replace("(", ""); s = s.replace(")", ""); } return s; }; /** * @private * * @description Replaces a local negative sign with the standard * JavaScript minus ("-") sign placed in the correct position * (preceding the amount). This is done according to the locale * properties for negative sign symbol and relative position. * * @param {String} s The input string. * @param {String} formatType With possible values "local" or "int". * * @returns {String} The processed string. */ this._normaliseNegativeSign = function(s, formatType) { // replace local negative symbol with JavaScript's "-" s = s.replace(this.lc.negative_sign, "-"); // check for enclosing parentheses rule and replace them // with negative sign before the amount if ((formatType == "local" && this.lc.n_sign_posn === 0) || (formatType == "int" && this.lc.int_n_sign_posn === 0) ) { if (/^\(\d+\.?\d*\)$/.test(s)) { s = s.replace("(", ""); s = s.replace(")", ""); return "-" + s; } } // check for rule negative sign succeeding the amount if (formatType == "local" && this.lc.n_sign_posn == 2 || formatType == "int" && this.lc.int_n_sign_posn == 2 ) { if (/^\d+\.?\d*-$/.test(s)) { s = s.replace("-", ""); return "-" + s; } } // check for rule cur. sym. succeeds and sign adjacent if (formatType == "local" && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0 && this.lc.n_sign_posn == 3 || formatType == "local" && this.lc.n_cs_precedes === 0 && this.lc.n_sign_posn == 4 || formatType == "int" && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sign_posn == 3 || formatType == "int" && this.lc.int_n_cs_precedes === 0 && this.lc.int_n_sign_posn == 4 ) { if (/^\d+\.?\d*-$/.test(s)) { s = s.replace("-", ""); return "-" + s; } } return s; }; }; // end-of-file