Add more insults

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Ceda EI 2018-09-05 23:53:05 +05:30
parent 253535ad6b
commit c05885c26e
1 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -27,4 +27,43 @@ Alas! ##name##'s neurotransmitters are no more working.
##name## are you crazy you fool.
Everyone has the right to be stupid but ##name## is abusing the privilege.
##name## I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I thought you already knew that.
##name## you have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take today off?
##name## your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.
##name## remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.
##name## if youre waiting for me to care, I hope you brought something to eat, cause its gonna be a really long time.
##name## some day youll go far—and I really hope you stay there.
##name##Im trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but I just cant get my head that far up my ass.
##name## sometimes its better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that youre stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
##name## Im not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.
##name## you only annoy me when youre breathing, really.
##name## Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself. Bad idea in your case.
##name## I dont know what your problem is, but Im guessing its hard to pronounce.
##name## Do your parents even realize theyre living proof that two wrongs dont make a right?
##name## Remember that time I said I thought you were cool? I lied.
##name## Everyones entitled to act stupid once in awhile, but you really abuse the privilege.
##name## I cant help imagining how much awesomer the world would be if your dad had just pulled out.
##name## Do you ever wonder what life would be like if youd gotten enough oxygen at birth?
##name## Please, save your breath. Youll probably need it to blow up your next date.
##name## Can you die of constipation? I ask because Im worried about how full of shit you are.
##name## Good story, but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up?
##name## Dont hate me because Im beautiful. Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so.
##name## Were you born on the highway? That is where most accidents happen.
##name## Please, keep talking. I only yawn when Im super fascinated.
##name## If I wanted to hear from an asshole, Id fart.
##name## Jesus might love you, but everyone else definitely thinks youre an idiot.
##name## Sorry, I didnt get that. I dont speak bullshit.
##name## The only way youll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chickens ass and wait.
##name## If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on the planet.
##name## Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when Im around?
##name## There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that.
##name## I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than whatever you just said.
##name## I was pro life. Then I met you.
##name## Youre about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
##name## Whenever we hang out, I remember that God really does have a sense of humor.
##name## Its kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence.
##name## Please just tell me you dont plan to home-school your kids.
##name## You always bring me so much joy—as soon as you leave the room.
##name## I was hoping for a battle of wits but it would be wrong to attack someone whos totally unarmed.
##name## Id tell you how I really feel, but I wasnt born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case.
##name## Stupiditys not a crime, so feel free to go.
##name## Id tell you to go fuck yourself, but that would be cruel and unusual punishment.