function expand(words, text) { const letters = text.trim().toLowerCase().split(""); return => { const wordsWithLetter = words.filter(i => i.match(RegExp(`^${letter}`, "i"))); if (! wordsWithLetter.length) return letter; const word = wordsWithLetter[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordsWithLetter.length)]; return word; }).reduce((acc, cur) => acc + " " + cur); } module.exports = (words = []) => (ctx) => { words = words.filter(i => ! i.match(/'s$/)); const message = ctx.message.text.replace(/^[^ ]+/, ""); if (message) { return expand(words, message); } else { if (ctx.message.reply_to_message) return expand(words, ctx.message.reply_to_message.text); else return "Need text to expand. Send /expand text or reply to a " + "message with /expand"; } };