const ffmpeg = require("fluent-ffmpeg"); const fs = require("fs"); const FormData = require("form-data"); function ugokiUpload(axios, ugokiRoot, ctx, category, path) { const form = new FormData(); form.append("file", fs.createReadStream(path)); return`new_suggestion/${category}`, form, { headers: form.getHeaders(), baseURL: ugokiRoot }) .then(() => { ctx.reply("Suggestion added."); fs.unlink(path, () => {}); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); if (err.response && err.response.status == 404) ctx.reply("Category doesn't exist"); else if (err.response && err.response.status == 409) ctx.reply("Already suggested / added."); else ctx.reply("No clue what the hell happened but adding suggestion failed."); }); } module.exports = (axios, apiToken, ugokiRoot) => (ctx) => { const category = ctx.message.text.split(" ")[1]; const reply = ctx.message.reply_to_message; if (category && reply && reply.animation) { return ctx.telegram.getFile(reply.animation.file_id) .then(resp => { return axios({ method: "get", url: `${apiToken}/${resp.file_path}`, responseType: "stream" }) .then(async (response) => { let stream =; let path = `data/${resp.file_unique_id}`; const writer = fs.createWriteStream(path); if (!resp.file_path.match(/\.gif$/)) { await stream.pipe(writer); stream = ffmpeg(path) .on("error", function () { fs.unlink(path, () => {}); ctx.reply("Something went wrong processing the gif"); }) .on("end", function () { fs.unlink(path, () => {}); ugokiUpload(axios, ugokiRoot, ctx, category, path + ".gif"); }) .output(path + ".gif") .outputFormat("gif") .run(); } else ugokiUpload(axios, ugokiRoot, category, ctx, path); } ); }); } else ctx.reply("Reply to a gif with /suggest [category] " + "to suggest it to be used for [category]"); };