const random = require("./random"); const insults_fun = require("./insult"); const words_fun = require("./words"); const is = require("./is"); const weebify = require("./weebify"); const absurdify = require("./absurdify"); const feedback = require("./feedback"); const media_wiki = require("./media_wiki"); const info = require("./info"); const expand = require("./expand"); const roleplay = require("./roleplay"); const suggest = require("./suggest"); module.exports = (bot, [ questions, kys, insults, commands_list, words, roleplay_data ], feedback_id, apiToken, ugokiRoot, axios) => { bot.command("question", (ctx) => ctx.reply(random(questions)())); bot.command("word", (ctx) => ctx.reply(random(words)())); bot.command("words", (ctx) => ctx.reply(words_fun(random, words)(ctx))); bot.telegram.getMe() .then(bot_user => { const default_text = (command, text) => `Do you want to ${text} ` + `yourself?\nIf no, reply to someone with /${command} to kill` + ` them or run /${command} username/name.\nYou can suggest ` + `more /${command} replies using /feedback`; bot.command("insult", (ctx) => ctx.reply(insults_fun(random, insults, default_text("insult", "insult"), "Watch who you talk" + " to.", ["@" + bot_user.username, bot_user.firstName])(ctx))); bot.command("kys", (ctx) => ctx.reply(insults_fun(random, kys, default_text("kys", "kill"), "I can't be killed.", ["@" + bot_user.username, bot_user.firstName])(ctx))); }); bot.command("commands", (ctx) => ctx.reply(commands_list.join("\n"), {parse_mode: "html"})); bot.command("is", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("are", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("can", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("will", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("shall", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("was", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("do", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("does", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("did", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("should", (ctx) => ctx.reply(is(random)(ctx))); bot.command("coin", (ctx) => ctx.reply(random(["Heads", "Tails"])())); bot.command("help", (ctx) => ctx.reply("You can either check /commands " + "for a short overview or check the [Help Page]" + "(", {parse_mode: "Markdown"})); bot.command("rate", (ctx) => ctx.reply("[Vote for me on Telegram " + "Directory!](", {parse_mode: "Markdown"})); bot.command("weebify", (ctx) => ctx.reply(weebify()(ctx))); bot.command("absurdify", (ctx) => ctx.reply(absurdify()(ctx))); bot.command("feedback", (ctx) => ctx.reply(feedback(feedback_id)(ctx))); bot.command("wiki", (ctx) => media_wiki(axios, "")(ctx).then(x => ctx.reply(x, {parse_mode: "HTML"}))); bot.command("arch_wiki", (ctx) => media_wiki(axios, "")(ctx).then(x => ctx.reply(x, {parse_mode: "HTML"}))); bot.command("info", (ctx) => ctx.reply(info()(ctx), {parse_mode: "Markdown"})); bot.command("expand", (ctx) => ctx.reply(expand(words)(ctx))); bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hi! I'm Octanite. Sibling of @quadnite_bot. My creator @ceda_ei created me as 'another option' to users who want the bot in their groups to have privacy mode enabled. \n\nPrivacy mode? Wut is that?\n- Well basically disabling privacy mode enables a bot to read all the messages. @quadnite_bot has that disabled. Enabling privacy mode causes the bot to not recieve messages at some times. To circumvet that, you need to append @octanite_bot to your commands or simply use @quadnite_bot. \n\n[P.S. - My creator doesn't store any messages or personal data. It's safe to use any of the two bots.]\nTo give feedback, use /feedback")); bot.command("donate", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Thanks for considering to donate." + " To support the development and hosting of Quadnite Bot, you can " + "donate here:")); function getGetGif(command) { const alias = roleplay_data[command].alias; if (alias) return getGetGif(alias); return () => axios.get( `category/${command}/gif`, { baseURL: ugokiRoot } ); } function getForms(name) { if (roleplay_data[name].forms) return roleplay_data[name].forms; return getForms(roleplay_data[name].alias); } // Add all roleplay commands Object.keys(roleplay_data).map(command => bot.command(command, (ctx) => roleplay(getForms(command), getGetGif(command))(ctx) ) ); bot.command("suggest", (ctx) => suggest(axios, apiToken, ugokiRoot)(ctx)); };