
62 lines
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coin - Tosses a coin
wiki - Search Wikipedia
arch_wiki - Search the Arch wiki
kys - Kill yourself
insult - As expected, insults
question - Get a random question
word - Get a random word
words - Get n random words
weebify - Weebifies the given text
absurdify - mAke tExT aBSUrd
expand - Expands a given abbreviation
<b>Ask a question</b>
is are can
will did shall
was do does
angry bite
blush bored
bonk boop
chase cheer
cringe cry
cuddle dab
dance die
eat facepalm
feed glomp
happy hate
holdhands hide
highfive hug
kill kiss
laugh lick
love lurk
nervous no
nom nuzzle
panic pat
peck poke
pout run
shoot shrug
sip slap
sleep snuggle
stab tease
think thumbsup
tickle triggered
twerk wag
wave wink
help - Need help? Go here
feedback - Send feedback, suggestion for kys, insult text
rate - Rate me on TGDR