##name## You should try tasting cyanide. ##name## Your enzymes are meant to digest rat poison! ##name## You should try sleeping forever. ##name## Pick up a gun and shoot yourself. ##name## You could make a world record by jumping from a plane without parachute. ##name## Stop talking BS and jump in front of a running bullet train. ##name## Try bathing with Hydrochloric Acid instead of water. ##name## Try this: if you hold your breath underwater for an hour, you can then hold it forever. ##name## Go Green! Stop inhaling Oxygen. ##name## God was searching for you. You should leave to meet him. ##name## Go give your 100%! Now, go donate blood. ##name## Try jumping from a hundred story building, but you can do it only once. ##name## You should donate your brain seeing that you never used it. ##name## Volunteer for target in an firing range. ##name## Head shots are fun. Get yourself one !! ##name## You should try swimming with great white sharks. ##name## You should paint yourself red and run in a bull marathon. ##name## You can stay underwater for the rest of your life without coming back up. ##name## How about you stop breathing for like 1 day? ##name## Try provoking a tiger while you both are in a cage. ##name## Have you tried shooting yourself as high as 100m using a cannon? ##name## You should try holding TNT in your mouth and igniting it. ##name## Try playing catch and throw with nitroglycerin. It's fun ##name## I heard phosgene is poisonous but I guess you won't mind inhaling it for fun. ##name## Launch yourself into outer space while forgetting oxygen on Earth. ##name## You should try playing snake and ladders, with real snakes and no ladders. ##name## Dance naked on a couple of HT wires. ##name## An active volcano is the best swimming pool for you. ##name## You shoulf try hot bath in a volcano. ##name## Try to spend one day in a coffin and it will be yours forever. ##name## Hit Uranium with a slow moving neutron in your presence. It will be a worthwhile experience. ##name## You can be the first person to step on the sun. Have a try.