#!/usr/bin/env bash cd if hash git 2> /dev/null; then [[ -a Server-Dotfiles ]] && mv Server-Dotfiles Server-Dotfiles-$(date +%s) git clone https://git.webionite.com/ceda_ei/Server-Dotfiles ./Server-Dotfiles/deploy.sh else echo "git not found. Trying with curl/wget and tar/unzip" >&2 if ! hash tar 2> /dev/null; then if ! hash unzip; then echo "tar or unzip not found" >&2 exit 1 else file_format=".zip" fi else file_format=".tar.gz" fi [[ -a Server-Dotfiles$file_format ]] && mv Server-Dotfiles$file_format Server-Dotfiles-$(date +%s)$file_format [[ -a server-dotfiles ]] && mv server-dotfiles server-dotfiles-$(date +%s) if hash curl 2> /dev/null; then curl -o Server-Dotfiles$file_format https://git.webionite.com/ceda_ei/Server-Dotfiles/archive/master$file_format elif hash wget 2> /dev/null; then wget -O Server-Dotfiles$file_format https://git.webionite.com/ceda_ei/Server-Dotfiles/archive/master$file_format else echo "curl or wget not found" >&2 fi if [[ $file_format == ".zip" ]]; then unzip Server-Dotfiles$file_format elif [[ $file_format == ".tar.gz" ]]; then tar xzf Server-Dotfiles$file_format fi ./server-dotfiles/deploy.sh fi