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title = "Ideas from my Development Setup: Always Tmux"
date = "2020-09-30"
author = "Ceda EI"
tags = ["tmux", "development"]
keywords = ["tmux", "development"]
description = "Use tmux at all times in my dev setup"
showFullContent = false
Back when I first learnt tmux, I realized it was a really valuable tool. Soon
afterwards, I found myself in need of wanting to make a split only to find out
I wasn't in tmux. This would lead to:
- Killing the running process.
- Starting tmux.
- Restarting the previous process.
In pursuit of an ideal solution, I added a tiny script in my scripts directory
which was called by my bashrc.
## Current Workflow
My current workflow simply starts by opening the terminal. Instead of the bash
prompt, I am greeted by this.
Choose the terminal to attach:
1 - 12: 3 windows (created Wed Sep 30 14:26:37 2020) (attached)
2 - tana: 3 windows (created Wed Sep 30 18:17:24 2020) (attached)
3 - userbot: 1 windows (created Tue Sep 29 18:37:19 2020)
4 - ytc: 1 windows (created Tue Sep 29 18:37:19 2020)
Create a new session by entering a name for it
At this point, I either
- enter a number (in this case from 1 to 4) to connect to an existing session.
- enter a name to create a named tmux session.
- hit enter (or C-D) to create an unnamed session (tmux will name it
- type nil and hit enter to drop to shell without starting tmux
## Implementation
In my `.bashrc`, live these lines.
if [[ ! -v TMUX && $TERM_PROGRAM != "vscode" ]]; then
tmux_chooser && exit
Although I use vim as my sole editor, I needed to demo something in VSCode and
for that case I have added an exception so that the script does not run the
`tmux_chooser` in VSCode's integrated terminal.
Here is the source of `tmux_chooser` called above.
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
# Doesn't let you press Ctrl-C
function ctrl_c() {
echo -e "\renter nil to drop to normal prompt"
trap ctrl_c SIGINT
no_of_terminals=$(tmux list-sessions | wc -l)
output=($(tmux list-sessions))
output_names=($(tmux list-sessions -F\#S))
echo "Choose the terminal to attach: "
for i in "${output[@]}"; do
echo "$k - $i"
echo "Create a new session by entering a name for it"
read -r input
if [[ $input == "" ]]; then
tmux new-session
elif [[ $input == 'nil' ]]; then
exit 1
elif [[ $input =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ $input -le $no_of_terminals ]]; then
terminal_name="${output_names[input - 1]}"
tmux attach -t "$terminal_name"
tmux new-session -s "$input"
exit 0