import { docReady, onWindowResize } from "./utils.js"; import { ResizeObserver } from '@juggle/resize-observer'; const ARTICLE_CONTENT_SELECTOR = "article#main"; const FOOTNOTE_SECTION_SELECTOR = "section.footnotes[role=doc-endnotes]"; const FLOATING_FOOTNOTE_MIN_WIDTH = 1260; // Computes an offset such that setting `top` on elemToAlign will put it // in vertical alignment with targetAlignment. function computeOffsetForAlignment(elemToAlign, targetAlignment) { const offsetParentTop = elemToAlign.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect().top; // Distance between the top of the offset parent and the top of the target alignment return targetAlignment.getBoundingClientRect().top - offsetParentTop; } function setFootnoteOffsets(footnotes) { // Keep track of the bottom of the last element, because we don't want to // overlap footnotes. let bottomOfLastElem = 0;, function (footnote, i) { // In theory, don't need to escape this because IDs can't contain // quotes, in practice, not sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ // Get the thing that refers to the footnote const intextLink = document.querySelector("a.footnote-ref[href='#" + + "']"); // Find its "content parent"; nearest paragraph or list item or // whatever. We use this for alignment because it looks much cleaner. // If it doesn't, your paragraphs are too long :P // Fallback - use the same height as the link. const verticalAlignmentTarget = intextLink.closest('p,li') || intextLink; let offset = computeOffsetForAlignment(footnote, verticalAlignmentTarget); if (offset < bottomOfLastElem) { offset = bottomOfLastElem; } // computedStyle values are always in pixels, but have the suffix 'px'. // offsetHeight doesn't include margins, but we want it to use them so // we retain the style / visual fidelity when all the footnotes are // crammed together. bottomOfLastElem = offset + footnote.offsetHeight + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(footnote).marginBottom) + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(footnote).marginTop); = offset + 'px'; = 'absolute'; }); } function clearFootnoteOffsets(footnotes) { // Reset all, function (fn, i) { = null; = null; }); } // contract: this is idempotent; i.e. it won't wreck anything if you call it // with the same value over and over again. Though maybe it'll wreck performance // lol. function updateFootnoteFloat(shouldFloat) { const footnoteSection = document.querySelector(FOOTNOTE_SECTION_SELECTOR); const footnotes = footnoteSection.querySelectorAll( "li[role=doc-endnote]"); if (shouldFloat) { // Do this first because we need styles applied before doing other // calculations footnoteSection.classList.add('floating-footnotes'); setFootnoteOffsets(footnotes); subscribeToUpdates(); } else { unsubscribeFromUpdates(); clearFootnoteOffsets(footnotes); footnoteSection.classList.remove('floating-footnotes'); } } function subscribeToUpdates() { const article = document.querySelector(ARTICLE_CONTENT_SELECTOR); // Watch for dimension changes on the thing that holds all the footnotes so // we can reposition as required resizeObserver.observe(article); } function unsubscribeFromUpdates() { resizeObserver.disconnect(); } const notifySizeChange = function() { // Default state, not expanded. let bigEnough = false; return function () { // Pixel width at which this looks good let nowBigEnough = window.innerWidth >= FLOATING_FOOTNOTE_MIN_WIDTH; if (nowBigEnough !== bigEnough) { updateFootnoteFloat(nowBigEnough); bigEnough = nowBigEnough; } }; }(); const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((_entries, observer) => { // By virtue of the fact that we're subscribed, we know this is true. updateFootnoteFloat(true); }); export default function enableFloatingFootnotes() { docReady(() => { const footnoteSection = document.querySelector(FOOTNOTE_SECTION_SELECTOR); const article = document.querySelector(ARTICLE_CONTENT_SELECTOR); const allowFloatingFootnotes = article && !article.classList.contains('no-floating-footnotes'); // only set it all up if there's actually a footnote section and // we haven't explicitly disabled floating footnotes. if (footnoteSection && allowFloatingFootnotes) { onWindowResize(notifySizeChange); } }); }