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2020-11-02 11:38:56 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"Creates a firefox web app"
2020-11-02 11:38:56 +01:00
import argparse
import sys
import os.path as pt
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from collections import Counter
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
REPO_DIR = pt.dirname(sys.argv[0])
BIN_DIR = f"{REPO_DIR}/bin"
ICON_DIR = f"{REPO_DIR}/icons"
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
"Print an error"
print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
def url_exists(url):
"Tests if the url exists after all redirects"
return requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True).status_code == 200
def absolute_url(base_url, relative_url):
"Returns the absolute_url if the relative_url is relative"
base = urlparse(base_url)
relative = urlparse(relative_url)
# Make the url absolute if it is not
if not relative.hostname:
return urlunparse((*base[:2], *relative[2:]))
return relative_url
def extract_metadata(url):
"Extract metadata using bs4"
# Get and parse the page
content = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
metadata = {}
# Find the title
titles = [soup.title.string]
for tag in soup.find_all("meta"):
title_props = ["title", "og:title", "twitter:title"]
if tag.get("property", None) in title_props \
or tag.get("name", None) in title_props:
# Set title to the most common if it occurs more than once, else prefer
# title tag
most_common = Counter(titles).most_common(1)[0]
if most_common[1] > 1:
metadata["title"] = most_common[0].strip()
metadata["title"] = soup.title.string.strip()
# Find the image.
# Try link first, followed by /favicon.{png,ico}, followed by og:, twitter:
image = None
for favicon in soup.find_all("link", rel="icon"):
if url_exists(absolute_url(url, favicon["href"])):
image = absolute_url(url, favicon["href"])
if not image:
for favicon in [absolute_url(url, i) for i in ("favicon.png", "favicon.ico")]:
if requests.head(favicon, allow_redirects=True).status_code == 200:
image = favicon
if not image:
for prop in ["og:image", "twitter:image"]:
prop_tag = soup.find("meta", property=prop)
if prop_tag and url_exists(absolute_url(url, prop_tag["content"])):
image = absolute_url(url, prop_tag["content"])
metadata["image"] = image
return metadata
2020-11-02 11:38:56 +01:00
def main():
"Main Function"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("url", help="URL for the webapp")
"-n", "--name",
help=("Name of the app as shown in the menu. In absence of this, the "
"title of page will be used.")
"-e", "--exec-name",
help="Name of the script that will be created in binary directory."
"-l", "--logo",
help="URL/path for the logo. If omitted, the favicon will be used."
"-f", "--firefox-profile",
help="Firefox Profile path. If omitted, the default profile is used"
args = parser.parse_args()
# Add Missing Arguments with default values
if args.firefox_profile is None:
profile_path = REPO_DIR + "/.firefox_profile"
2020-11-02 11:38:56 +01:00
with open(profile_path) as prof:
args.firefox_profile = prof.readline()[:-1]
parsed_url = urlparse(args.url)
if not parsed_url.scheme:
eprint("Missing URL scheme")
eprint(f"Maybe you meant https://{args.url} ?")
metadata = extract_metadata(args.url)
if not = metadata["title"]
if not args.logo:
args.logo = metadata["image"]
if not args.exec_name:
args.exec_name = parsed_url.hostname.replace(".", "-") + "-webapp"
if "/" in args.exec_name:
eprint("Executable name can't contain slashes.")
if pt.exists(f"{BIN_DIR}/{args.exec_name}"):
index = 0
while True:
if not pt.exists(f"{BIN_DIR}/{args.exec_name}-{index}"):
args.exec_name = f"{args.exec_name}-{index}"
index += 1
print(f"WebApp Name:\t\t{}")
print(f"WebApp URL:\t\t{args.url}")
print(f"Logo URL:\t\t{args.logo}")
print(f"Executable Name:\t{args.exec_name}")
print(f"Firefox Profile:\t{args.firefox_profile}")
2020-11-02 11:38:56 +01:00
if __name__ == "__main__":