from pathlib import Path import subprocess from typing import Annotated, Optional from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.completion import PathCompleter import typer from fwa.config import FIREFOX_BINARY, Config from fwa.log import err, out from fwa.validation import BoolStrValidator, ProfilePathValidator, str_to_bool DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME = "firefox-web-apps" def bool_prompt(message: str, default: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: return str_to_bool( prompt( message, validator=BoolStrValidator(default=default), ), default=default, ) def enable_user_chrome(profile: Path): with open(profile / "user.js", "a") as f: f.write("\n") f.write( 'user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);' ) f.write("\n") def configure_user_chrome( profile: Path, hide_tabs: bool, hide_main_toolbar: bool, disable_url_bar: bool ): chrome_dir = profile / "chrome" if not chrome_dir.exists(): chrome_dir.mkdir() v_collapse = [] if hide_tabs: v_collapse.append("#tabbrowser-tabs") v_collapse.append("#TabsToolbar") if hide_main_toolbar: v_collapse.append("#nav-bar") with open(chrome_dir / "userChrome.css", "a") as f: if v_collapse: f.write(", ".join(v_collapse)) f.write("{ visibility: collapse !important; }\n") if disable_url_bar: f.write(".urlbarView { display: none !important; }\n") f.write(".urlbar-input-box { visibility: hidden !important; }\n") def setup( firefox_profile: Annotated[ Optional[Path], typer.Option( "-f", "--firefox-profile", help="Path to existing firefox profile" ), ] = None, new_profile_name: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option("-n", "--new-profile", help="Name for a new firefox profile"), ] = None, ): """ This program will optionally create a firefox profile and configure it to use with Firefox Web Apps """ if firefox_profile is None: if new_profile_name is None: # prompt for new profile name use_existing = bool_prompt( "Use an existing profile for apps? (y/N):", False ) if use_existing: firefox_profile = Path( prompt( "Enter path to existing profile: ", validator=ProfilePathValidator, completer=PathCompleter(), complete_while_typing=True, ) ) else: new_profile_name = DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME if new_profile_name: firefox_profile = Path.home() / ".mozilla" / "firefox" / new_profile_name if firefox_profile.exists(): err.print( f"[red bold]Firefox Profile {str(firefox_profile)!r} already exists" ) raise typer.Exit(code=1) out.print("[green]Creating Firefox Profile.") [ FIREFOX_BINARY, "-CreateProfile", f"{new_profile_name} {firefox_profile}", ] ) out.print("[green]Created Firefox Profile") else: if not firefox_profile.exists(): err.print(f"[red bold]{str(firefox_profile)!r} does not exist") raise typer.Exit(code=1) if not firefox_profile.is_dir(): err.print(f"[red bold]{str(firefox_profile)!r} is not a directory") raise typer.Exit(code=1) out.print("[green]Writing config...\n") Config.conf["firefox-profile"] = str(firefox_profile) Config.write_config() out.print("[green]Enabling userChrome.css support...\n") enable_user_chrome(firefox_profile) out.print("[green]Configuring userChrome.css...\n") hide_tabs = bool_prompt("Do you want to hide tabs? (Y/n)", True) if hide_main_toolbar := bool_prompt("Do you want to hide main toolbar? (y/N)", False): hide_url_bar = False else: hide_url_bar = bool_prompt("Do you want to disable the URL bar? (Y/n)", True) configure_user_chrome( firefox_profile, hide_tabs, hide_main_toolbar, hide_url_bar, ) def main():