207 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
207 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"Creates a firefox web app"
import argparse
import io
import shlex
import stat
import sys
import os
import os.path as pt
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from collections import Counter
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PIL import Image
REPO_DIR = pt.abspath(pt.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
BIN_DIR = f"{REPO_DIR}/bin"
ICON_DIR = f"{REPO_DIR}/icons"
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
"Print an error"
print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
def url_exists(url):
"Tests if the url exists after all redirects"
return requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True).status_code == 200
def absolute_url(base_url, relative_url):
"Returns the absolute_url if the relative_url is relative"
base = urlparse(base_url)
relative = urlparse(relative_url)
# Make the url absolute if it is not
if not relative.hostname:
return urlunparse((*base[:2], *relative[2:]))
return relative_url
# pylint: disable=W0613
def create_webapp(name, url, exec_name, logo, profile):
"Creates the necessary files for the webapp."
local_vars = locals()
# Create a dictionary with shell-quoted version of arguments
quoted = {i: shlex.quote(local_vars[i]) for i in ("name", "url", "exec_name",
"logo", "profile")}
# Download and convert the logo
logo_pt = f"{ICON_DIR}/{exec_name}.png"
res = requests.get(logo, allow_redirects=True)
with Image.open(io.BytesIO(res.content)) as img:
img.save(logo_pt, "PNG")
# Create the binary
script_pt = f"{BIN_DIR}/{exec_name}"
with open(script_pt, "w") as script:
script.write("#!/usr/bin/env sh\n")
script.write(f"firefox --profile {quoted['profile']} {quoted['url']}\n")
os.chmod(script_pt, os.stat(script_pt).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP)
# Create the desktop file
desk_pt = pt.expanduser(f"~/.local/share/applications/{exec_name}.desktop")
with open(desk_pt, "w") as desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name={name} (Web App)
""".strip() + "\n")
def extract_metadata(url):
"Extract metadata using bs4"
# Get and parse the page
content = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
metadata = {}
# Find the title
titles = []
if soup.title:
titles = [soup.title.string]
for tag in soup.find_all("meta"):
title_props = ["title", "og:title", "twitter:title"]
if tag.get("property", None) in title_props \
or tag.get("name", None) in title_props:
# Set title to the most common if it occurs more than once, else prefer
# title tag
most_common = Counter(titles).most_common(1)
if not most_common:
metadata["title"] = None
elif most_common[0][1] > 1:
metadata["title"] = most_common[0][0].strip()
if soup.title:
metadata["title"] = soup.title.string.strip()
metadata["title"] = most_common[0][0].strip()
# Find the image.
# Try link first, followed by /favicon.{png,ico}, followed by og:, twitter:
image = None
for favicon in soup.find_all("link", rel="icon"):
if url_exists(absolute_url(url, favicon["href"])):
image = absolute_url(url, favicon["href"])
if not image:
for favicon in [absolute_url(url, i) for i in ("favicon.png", "favicon.ico")]:
if requests.head(favicon, allow_redirects=True).status_code == 200:
image = favicon
if not image:
for prop in ["og:image", "twitter:image"]:
prop_tag = soup.find("meta", property=prop)
if prop_tag and url_exists(absolute_url(url, prop_tag["content"])):
image = absolute_url(url, prop_tag["content"])
metadata["image"] = image
return metadata
def main():
"Main Function"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("url", help="URL for the webapp")
"-n", "--name",
help=("Name of the app as shown in the menu. In absence of this, the "
"title of page will be used.")
"-e", "--exec-name",
help="Name of the script that will be created in binary directory."
"-l", "--logo",
help="URL/path for the logo. If omitted, the favicon will be used."
"-f", "--firefox-profile",
help="Firefox Profile path. If omitted, the default profile is used"
args = parser.parse_args()
# Add Missing Arguments with default values
if args.firefox_profile is None:
profile_path = REPO_DIR + "/.firefox_profile"
with open(profile_path) as prof:
args.firefox_profile = prof.readline()[:-1]
parsed_url = urlparse(args.url)
if not parsed_url.scheme:
eprint("Missing URL scheme")
eprint(f"Maybe you meant https://{args.url} ?")
print("Fetching details ...")
metadata = extract_metadata(args.url)
if not args.name:
args.name = metadata["title"]
if not args.logo:
args.logo = metadata["image"]
if not args.exec_name:
args.exec_name = parsed_url.hostname.replace(".", "-") + "-webapp"
if "/" in args.exec_name:
eprint("Executable name can't contain slashes.")
if pt.exists(f"{BIN_DIR}/{args.exec_name}"):
index = 0
while True:
if not pt.exists(f"{BIN_DIR}/{args.exec_name}-{index}"):
args.exec_name = f"{args.exec_name}-{index}"
index += 1
print(f"WebApp Name:\t\t{args.name}")
print(f"WebApp URL:\t\t{args.url}")
print(f"Logo URL:\t\t{args.logo}")
print(f"Executable Name:\t{args.exec_name}")
print(f"Firefox Profile:\t{args.firefox_profile}")
print("Do you want to create the app with the above details (Y/n): ",
end=' ')
inp = input()
if not inp or inp[0].upper() != "N":
create_webapp(args.name, args.url, args.exec_name, args.logo,
if __name__ == "__main__":