#!/usr/bin/env bash # Get the api key key=$(cat ~/i3lock-delta/api_key) # Get the queries queries=$(cat ~/.config/lock_preferences | xargs) # Construct the base url url="https://api.unsplash.com/photos/random?client_id=$key&orientation=landscape&featured=false" # Check if there are any queries if [ -n "$queries" ]; then url="$url&query=$(shuf -n 1 ~/.config/lock_preferences)" fi # make API call and check if curl fails if ! json=$(curl -s $url); then exit 1 fi # Get image location from json image_url=$(echo $json | jq -r ".links.download_location") # Download image and check if curl fails curl $image_url > ~/.rand_bg if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then exit 1; fi # Write author's name to file user_name=$(echo $json | jq -r ".user.name") echo "$user_name" > /tmp/name_photographer