#!/usr/bin/env bash # Get the config source box_config # Get the resolution resolution=`xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | sed 's/dimensions://;;s/ *//g;s/pixels.*//'` # Run the main loop while : ; do # Check whether the previous image has been used or not. # If no, wait 300 secs and check again. [[ `< $HOME/.config/lock_screen.sta` -eq 0 ]] && sleep 300 && continue # Download the new image $HOME/i3lock-delta/downloader.php if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then name_photographer="`< /tmp/name_photographer`" # Resize, crop, draw a box for clock, write photographer's name. convert $HOME/.rand_bg -resize "$resolution^" -crop "$resolution" \ -draw "fill black fill-opacity 0.4 roundRectangle $BOX_TOP_LEFT_X,$BOX_TOP_LEFT_Y $BOX_BOTTOM_RIGHT_X,$BOX_BOTTOM_RIGHT_Y $ROUNDENESS,$ROUNDENESS" -pointsize 17 -draw "text $NAME_X,$NAME_Y 'Photograph by: $name_photographer on Unsplash'" \ /tmp/temp_lock.png # Move to needed place and remove the rest. if [[ -f /tmp/temp_lock-0.png ]] ; then mv /tmp/temp_lock-0.png $HOME/.rand_bg.png rm /tmp/temp_lock-1.png fi # Remove the original rm $HOME/.rand_bg # Set the image as unused. echo 0 > $HOME/.config/lock_screen.sta else # If download fails, wait 60 secs and restart. sleep 60 fi done