#!/usr/bin/env bash red="\033[38;5;1m" blue="\033[38;5;6m" reset="\033[0;5;0m" function check_exec() { if hash $1 2> /dev/null ; then echo $2 is installed else echo -en "$red" echo $2 is not installed or not in PATH echo Exiting ... echo -en "$reset" exit fi } echo -e "${blue}Checking Dependencies $reset" check_exec php PHP check_exec composer Composer check_exec i3lock i3lock-color check_exec convert Imagemagick echo -e "${blue}Dependencies Satisfied $reset \n" echo -e "${blue}Checking repository location $reset" cd $HOME/i3lock-delta if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "$red Please clone the repo in your home folder $reset" exit else echo "OK" fi echo -e "${blue}Checked repository location $reset \n" echo -e "${blue}Installing Libraries $reset" sleep 1 composer install if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "$red Unable to install libraries. Check your internet connection" echo -e "If the problem persists, open an issue at https://github.com/Ceda-EI/i3lock-delta/issues" echo -e "$reset" fi echo -e "${blue}Finished Installing Libraries $reset \n" echo -e "${blue}Creating Required Files$reset" mkdir -p $HOME/.config echo 1 > $HOME/.config/lock_screen.sta > $HOME/.config/lock_preferences echo -e "${blue}Finished Creating Required Files $reset \n" echo -e "${blue}Installation Successful $reset" echo -e "${blue}To set your random lock image themes, edit ~/.config/lock_preferences and enter your themes one per line."