# minetest-telegram-bridge # Usage + Install `python3`, `flask`, `python-telegram-bot` + `cd` + `git clone https://git.webionite.com/ceda_ei/minetest-telegram-bridge` + `ln -s ~/minetest-telegram-bridge/chat_mod ~/.minetest/mods/chat_mod` + Add mod to `secure.http_mods`. + Add this line if `secure.http_mods` doesn't exist. `secure.http_mods = chat_mod` + Enable the mod in `world.mt` + `cd minetest-telegram-bridge/bot` + Copy `sample.config.py` to `config.py` and edit. + `python3 bot.py &` + `export FLASK_APP=server.py` + `export FLASK_ENV=production` + `flask run -p 9876` + Start the minetest server via `minetest [params] |& python3 pipe_in.py` # Configuration To use a different port, change the respective config in `config.py` and add `chat_server_port = PORT` in `minecraft.conf` and run `flask run -p PORT` instead of the last step.