Add class and fonts
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@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
%% Copyright 2016 Christophe Roger
% Author:
% Christophe Roger (Darwiin)
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is M. C. Roger.
% This work consists of the files awesome-source-cv.cls
\ProvidesClass{yaac-another-awesome-cv}[2020/03/24 v2.2.1 'YAAC: Another Awesome CV' Class]
\newif\if@showLinks \@showLinksfalse
\newif\if@isCompact \@isCompactfalse
\DeclareOption{showLinks}{ \@showLinkstrue}
\DeclareOption{compact}{ \@isCompacttrue}
% Dependences
%A Few Useful Packages
\RequirePackage{fontspec} % for loading fonts
\RequirePackage{url,parskip} % other packages for formatting
% Define default accent colors
\definecolor{basecolor}{HTML}{000066} %BLUE
\ifundef{\@green} {
\ifundef{\@red} {
\ifundef{\@orange} {
\ifundef{\@monochrome} {}
{ \definecolor{basecolor}{HTML}{000000}}
{ \definecolor{basecolor}{HTML}{e68a00} }
{ \definecolor{basecolor}{rgb}{0.2, 0.07, 0.48} }
{ \definecolor{basecolor}{HTML}{b30000} } %RED
{ \definecolor{basecolor}{rgb}{0.0, 0.62, 0.38} }
% Setup hyperref package, and colours for links
pdfborder = {0 0 0},
% Setup fancyhdr package
% Remove head rule
%\pagestyle{empty} % non-numbered pages
%\font\fb=''[cmr10]'' % for use with \LaTeX command
% Setup CV sections
% Configure list
\setlist[itemize,1]{label=\faAngleRight, nosep, leftmargin=2em}
\setlist[itemize,2]{label=\faAngleRight, nosep, leftmargin=1.5em}
% Setup Array : new column type
%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''
% Setup fonts
% Define font to use according to localFont option
%\setmainfont[BoldFont = Helvetica Neue, ItalicFont=Helvetica Neue Thin Italic ,SmallCapsFont = Helvetica Neue Light]{Helvetica Neue Thin}
\setmainfont{Source Sans Pro Light}[
BoldFont = SourceSansPro-Regular,
ItalicFont= Source Sans Pro Light Italic]
Path = fonts/,
BoldFont = SourceSansPro-Regular,
ItalicFont = SourceSansPro-LightIt]
%New length definition
%\setlength{\rightcolumnlength}{15.3cm minus 1cm}
% Override default left column length of (2.5cm)
% Usage: \setleftcolumnlength{<length>}
% Font Awesome icons aliases
\newcommand\link[2]{\color{linkcolor}\href{#1}{#2}\color{Black} }
\newcommand\important[1]{\textbf #1}
% Create a tag
% Usage: \cvtag{<tag label>}
\tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw=darkGrey!70,rounded corners=0.5ex,inner xsep=1ex,inner ysep =0.55ex,text height=1.3ex,text depth=.25ex]{#1};
% Render author's name
% Usage: \user{<firstanme>}{<lastname>}
\newcommand\user[2]{\color{accentcolor}{\LARGE #1 \textsc{\textbf{#2}}}\color{Black}}
% Render a text with its symbol
% Usage; \socialtext{<icon>}{<label>}
% Render a link with its symbol
% Usage; \sociallink{<icon>}{<label>}
% Define author's name
% Usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>}
% Usage: \firstname{<firstname>}
% Usage: \lastname{<lastname>}
% Usage: \familyname{<familyname>}
% Define author's tagline
% Usage: \tagline{<tag line>}
% Define author's photo
% Usage: \photo[<shape: circular, square, roundedsquare, squircle>]{<diameter>}{<photo>}
% The shape of the author's photo is circular by default.
% Render author's address
% Usage: \address{<address>}
% Render author's infos
% Usage: \infos{<infos>}
% Render author's linked-in (optional)
% Usage: \linkedin{<linked-in-nick>}
% Render author's viadeo(optional)
% Usage: \viadeo{<viadeo-nick>}
% Render author's github (optional)
% Usage: \github{<github-nick>}
\newcommand*{\github}[1]{\sociallink{\githubSymbol}{}{}} % Github icon + URL
% Render author's stackoverflow profile (optional)
% Usage: \stackoverflow{<stackoverflow-user-id>}
% Render author's stackexchange profile (optional)
% Usage: \stackexchange{<stackexchange-user-id>}
% Render author's medium (optional)
% Usage: \medium{<medium-nick>}
% Render author's bitbucket (optional)
% Usage: \bitbucket{<bitbucket-account-name>}
% Render author's email (optional)
% Usage: \email{<email adress>}
% Render a website link (optional)
% Usage: \website{<website name>}{<website adress>}
% Render author's mobile phone (optional)
% Usage: \smartphone{<mobile phone number>}
% Render author's tagline
\bigskip\center{\Large \color{accentcolor}\textbf{#1}\color{Black}}\par
% Draw square photo
\tikz\path[fill overzoom image={\@photo}]rectangle(\linewidth,\linewidth);
% Draw square photo with rounded corners
\tikz\path[fill overzoom image={\@photo}][rounded corners=2mm]rectangle(\linewidth,\linewidth);
% Draw squircle photo
\tikz\path[fill overzoom image={\@photo}][rounded corners=8mm]rectangle(\linewidth,\linewidth);
% Draw circular photo
\tikz\path[fill overzoom image={\@photo}]circle[radius=0.5\linewidth];
% Define social entries to print in header
% Render CV header
% Needs \@firstname, \@lastname and \@tagline to be defined
% Define a footer for CV
% Usage: \makecvfooter{<left>}{<center>}{<right>}
% Resume part title definition
\newcommand\sectionTitle[2]{\section{\texorpdfstring{\color{accentcolor}#2\enspace \textsc{#1}}{#1}}}
% Define the 'keywords' environment
% Render a scholarshipentry in the scolarship environment
% Usage: \scholarshipentry{<date>}{<description>}
\textbf{#1} & #2\\
% Define a new column type for the scholarship environment
% Define the 'scholarship' environment
\begin{tabular}{Y p{\rightcolumnlength}}
% Render a scholarshipentry in the scolarship environment
% Usage: \scholarshipentry{<date>}{<description>}
#1 & #2 \\
% Define the 'skills' environment
% Render a skill in the skills environment
% Usage: \skill{<skill>}{<level>}
\textbf{#1} & \foreach \x in {1,...,5}{{\color{accentcolor!80} \ifnumgreater{\x}{#2}{\faCircle[regular]}{\faCircle}}\enspace } \\
% Define the 'experiences' environment
% Render an experience in the experiences environment
% Usage:
% \experience
% {<End date>} {<Title>}{<Enterprise>}{<Country>}
% {<Start date} {
% <Experience description (Could be a list)>
% }
% {<Technology list>}
\textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2, \textsc{#3}, #4} \\*
\textbf{#5} & \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
\end{minipage} \\*
& \footnotesize{\foreach \n in {#7}{\cvtag{\n}}} \\
% Render a consultant experience in the experiences environment
% Usage:
% \consultantexperience
% {<End date>} {<Consultant title>}{<Consulting Enterprise>}{<Country>}
% {<Start date} {<Client title>}{<Client business unit>}
% {
% <Experience description (Could be a list)>
% }
% {<Technology list>}
\textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2, \textsc{#3}, #4} \\*
\textbf{#5} & \emph{#6} pour \textsc{#7} \\*
& \begin{minipage}[t]{\rightcolumnlength}
\end{minipage} \\*
& \footnotesize{\foreach \n in {#9}{\cvtag{\n}}} \\
% Define the empty separator macro with different spacing according to document class option 'compact'
% Define the 'projects' environment
% Define the 'project' entry in the 'projects' environment
% Usage:
% \project
% {<Project name>}{<dates>}
% {<link1> <link2>}
% {<Project description>}
% {<techno1>,<techno2>}
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth) - 1.5em}
\textbf{\textsc{#1}} \hfill \textsc{#2}\smallskip\\
\footnotesize{\foreach \n in {#5}{\cvtag{\n}}}\\
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth/2) - 3em}
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth/2) - 3em}
% Define the 'referencees' environment
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth/3) - 3em}
\begin{tabular}{>{}l >{}l}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\emph{#2}, \textsc{#3}}\\
\quad \mailSymbol & \href{mailto:#4}{#4} \\
\quad \faPhone & #5 \\
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth/3) - 3em}
\begin{tabular}{>{}l >{}l}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\emph{#2}, \textsc{#3}}\\
\quad \mailSymbol & \href{mailto:#4}{#4} \\
Reference in New Issue