Ceda EI
Add base code for webhook.php
Added check_command, send_html, json decoding, and a loop to check for which command was called.
2018-04-04 15:41:35 +05:30
Ceda EI
Change send_code to send_text. Send chain length also.
2018-04-04 13:47:29 +05:30
Ceda EI
Bug Fixes, Add user exceptions, Add main body.
Added bug fixes for SQL queries. Added exceptions table in update_user_by_username function.
Added main body, the file now queries t.me for every user to check the integrity of the chain. Then finds the longest chain, converts it to string and compares it to last sent chain. If the chains aren't same, it sends it and saves it in its place.
2018-04-04 13:38:31 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add api_key.php to gitignore and add blank chain.php
2018-04-04 13:25:03 +05:30
Ceda EI
Update SQLDump for including exceptions table.
Added exceptions table with username and points_to fields.
2018-04-04 12:59:10 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add .gitignore to ignore mysql credentials.
2018-04-04 11:40:09 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add update_user_by_username function
This function reads the latest user data from t.me and checks whom it links to. It then updates the database accordingly.
2018-04-04 10:30:58 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add chain_to_string function
This function turns the chain into a string that can be sent to the group
2018-04-03 20:15:12 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add get_longest_chain function and comments.
2018-04-03 20:02:23 +05:30
Ceda EI
Remove reply from send_code function.
2018-04-03 19:23:53 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add update_chain.php and mysql_credentials.php.sample
Added send_code, get_chain_from_user functions. The get_chain_from_user generates a chain from a given user and returns an array in reverse sequential order.
2018-04-03 19:17:45 +05:30
Ceda EI
Add sqldump for recreating database.
2018-04-03 17:54:04 +05:30
Ceda EI
Initial commit
2018-04-03 17:44:59 +05:30