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# Paperesque
A lightweight [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) theme with a couple of neat tricks.
You can see it in action on [capnfabs.net](https://capnfabs.net), or on the [Hugo Themes Example Site](https://themes.gohugo.io/theme/paperesque/).
Here's what makes it special:
- Has a shortcode for resizing images to fit the page, _and_ tools for removing originals from the output
- Visual differentiation for drafts
- Footnotes turn into margin notes when there's enough space.
## Install
### git subtree (easiest!)
Copy the files into your repo using `git subtree` (this is way easier to use than submodules; [here's an explainer](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/git-subtree)):
git subtree add --prefix themes/paperesque https://github.com/capnfabs/paperesque mainline --squash
This will add a commit to your repo with everything ready to go. You'll probably want to modify parts of this theme for your own usage! Subtree makes that easy, because you've just copied the code into your repo ✨
### git submodules
If you're sure you want to use git submodules:
git submodule add -b mainline https://github.com/capnfabs/paperesque themes/paperesque
### Select the theme in your `config.toml`
Add / Modify the `theme` field in your `config.toml` for your hugo site:
theme = "paperesque"
## Using Features
### FYI: the Home Page is Config-driven
When you first install and switch to the theme, you might find that your homepage is blank. That's because all the links on the homepage are specified in your `config.toml`. Set it up like this:
name = "blog"
url = "posts/"
name = "tags"
url = "tags/"
name = "about"
url = "about/"
name = "contact"
url = "contact/"
### Links in the top-right corner
These are also config driven! Add this to your `config.toml` (for example):
name = "about"
url = "about/"
name = "contact"
url = "contact/"
name = "rss"
url = "posts/index.xml"
### Removing original images after resizing
The `fitfigure` shortcode is exactly the same as the `figure` shortcode, but it automatically resizes your images to fit the container, _and_ provides different resolutions for different DPIs (1x, 2x).
Whenever you use this shortcode, the theme makes a mental note of the resource you specified.
Now, you need to do some configuration if you want the originals to be removed from the output.
First, add this to your site's `config.toml`:
page = ["HTML", "droplist"]
Now, as part of your build process, run:
./themes/paperesque/buildscripts/drop-resources.py [hugo-output-directory]
(the Hugo output directory is usually `./public`).
That's it! Resized resources will be removed.
This is _off by default_ because it peppers your build output with `.droplist` files, and if you're not expecting them, it's going to be an unpleasant surprise.
### Visual differentiation for drafts
This one's on, and can't be switched off. Drafts have an orange stripey background everywhere. You can't miss them.
### Footnotes turn into margin notes
This is _on by default_.
You can switch it off site-wide by adding `disableMarginNotes = true` to your `params` in your `config.toml`, i.e.
disableMarginNotes = true
Alternatively, you can turn it off per-page by adding the `disableMarginNotes = true` to your front-matter for the page.
## Testing against the example site
You can build the example site with this theme with:
cd exampleSite
hugo serve --themesDir=../..
## Hacking / Modifying the JS
The javascript is built from the `./assets/js/` directory using [Hugo Pipes JS Build functionality](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/js/). This means you should be able to just modify the JS in the theme and expect your changes to be reflected, using the same workflow as you'd use for anything else in your Hugo site.
Note that this is only available since Hugo 0.74.0; if you're stuck on an old version of Hugo, try grabbing this theme at commit dfcf8b8e802e500e883c4f291b34d65d2e65a7bf instead, which uses a different bundling mechanism.
### Dependencies
Note that dependencies are checked into version control, so unless you're adding new ones / upgrading existing packages you should be fine.
To install / update dependencies, you need to [install the `yarn` package manager](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install) (you might need to install [NPM / NodeJS](https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) too!).
Then, run as required:
yarn install
yarn add [package]
yarn upgrade [package]
### Other resources
- The explanation for how a lot of this works is in [this blog post](https://capnfabs.net/posts/hugo-theme-exclude-processed-images/), so take a look there if you get stuck or want to borrow some of the ideas without grabbing all of them.
- You can see who else is using this theme by [searching Github for `paperesque filename:config.toml`](https://github.com/search?q=paperesque+filename%3Aconfig.toml&type=Code) (requires login).