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themesDir = "../../"
theme = "hugo-theme-codex"
# Override these settings with your own
title = "codex"
languageCode = "en-us"
baseURL = "https://example.org/"
copyright = "© {year}"
# Add your Disqus shortname here.
# disqusShortname = ""
# Add your Google Analytics identifier: UA-XXXXXXXX-X
# googleAnalytics = ""
# Optional params
# Follow the Hugo date/time format reference here:
# https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#gos-layout-string
dateFormat = "Jan 2 2006"
# Links to your social accounts, comment/uncomment as needed. Icons will be displayed for those specified.
twitter = "https://twitter.com/<your handle>"
github = "https://github.com/<your handle>"
# email = "mailto:<your email>"
# facebook = "https://facebook.com/<your handle>"
# gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/<your handle>"
# instagram = "https://instagram.com/<your handle>"
# linkedin = "<link to your profile>"
# youtube = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/<your channel>"
# Titles for your icons (shown as tooltips), and also their display order.
# Currently, these icons are supported:
# "Twitter", "GitHub", "Email", "Facebook", "GitLab", "Instagram", "LinkedIn", "YouTube"
iconOrder = ["Twitter", "GitHub"]
# Metadata for Twitter cards, defaults to params.twitter
# twitterSite = "@<your handle>"
# twitterAuthor = "@<your handle>"
# Set to true to display page title in table of contents in blog posts.
showPageTitleInTOC = false
# This disables Hugo's default syntax highlighting in favor
# of prismjs. If you wish to use Hugo's default syntax highlighting
# over prismjs, remove this. You will also need to remove the prismjs
# vendor script in layouts/blog/single.html.
codeFences = false
# Set to false to disallow raw HTML in markdown files
unsafe = true
# Controls the navigation
identifier = "about"
name = "about"
title = "About"
url = "/"
identifier = "blog"
name = "blog"
title = "Blog"
url = "/blog"